The Escaped Wilderling encounter is bugged in Korthia, confirmed by a few people who tried with me, over three attempts. After damaging it, and it gets to the stage where you hop on it, the tame bar cannot fill or progress after the first initial ‘hang on’ and the encounter ends without loot.
I have the exact same issue!
Can confirm… just tried twice and only the second time did I get to 50%.
can confirm…just had to sit there for 4 minutes straight with no progress because it doesn’t speed up. Could not dismount, or click off the “taming” buff
+1. Looking forward to it being fixed in 2 expansions time 
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Same issue, cant tame him
Bugged for me too. I get one opportunity to hit the taming button once, it never speeds up after the first time. Tried multiple times.
Confirming bug affects me too. I’ve tried mounting 3 times today, at most got 3 bursts of speed, then slow moving for the remainder of the 5 minute flight timer. Cannot complete taming bar.
Same issue here too, first go I got 3 perfect bursts and that was it, the next two I only had it once and then slow moving after that.
Interesting that the event went from just needing 1 perfect burst (bar was already mostly filled at the start) to not being able to be completed at all.
Same issue here, although I was able to finish it and get loot after dismounting it as soon as it bugs and trying again, but it will time out eventually. I got it on my second summon, this doesn’t always work tho.
same issue here. what a joke
still borked… wont go past 65% for me
Still bugged, only got 2 tames. Tried twice and won’t allow me to remount to train after that.
I had the opposite happen twice last week - when I mount it, the taming bar is almost full, and after one burst it completes and gives me the reward. I was the one that triggered the encounter (and the only one there for the fight) so maybe that made a difference. Haven’t tried it yet after yesterday’s maintenance.
Trying it just now. Can confirm speeds up once at the start of the ride, doesn’t do anything for the rest of the ride, tried twice and nothing changed.
Ive tried twice since wednesday and am encountering the same bug. It speeds up once and then never again. Dismounting early doesn’t let you try again, nor waiting the whole 5 minutes. Hopefully this gets fixed sooner rather than later 
Just tried it today. It seems to be fixed. You have to fill the bar all the way again, but I was able to complete this event.
Wow, actually fixed pretty quickly, am pleasantly surprised.
the comments above are right, they fixed it