Esc to close bags

currently using bagnon for my inventory UI. I could have sword that pressing ESC closed bags but it doesn’t seem to be working…anyone can help with this?

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Well, you’re definitely not crazy because this just started happening to me too a day ago. No reasoning, no changes to my addons, nothing. Just woke up yesterday to ‘esc’ not closing bags and it’s surprisingly infuriating to deal with.

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okay thank you…I actually do feel better that it’s not just me xD

Looks like 10.2.15 broke it.


amazing thank you so much…I read the posts and reverting back to 10.2.14 fixed it.

you’re the best :+1:

Thank you so much for asking this! I was really questioning my memory and getting beyond irritated at it not closing. Going back to 10.2.14 for bagnon worked for me as well. Thanks for the solution :smiley:

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