Error wow51900123 and wow51900128 10/24/2020

that blizz post is 9 days old and is not related to this issue.

My account and games are US and I cannot log in either

I can’t log in here from the US either …

Nothing still… I hit up on Blizzcs Twitter… we shall see what happens

Forgive me but my account has NEVER been registered as EU… Still cannot login.

Me2 it’s Trumps fault, he ask Russia to hack, but he did not say who to hack. So they hack Blizz authentication server.

What about me? my 1st and only account is US, even thou im trying to log in from Brazil.

that post is 9 days old

American with American account creation and cannot log in getting error also.
: (

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And here I thought I was gonna be fighting in the BG’s, instead it’s 123, 127, 128, etc. and auth servers.


Gettin same error code

I’m also getting the same error codes.

ANOTHER LIE FROM THE BLIZZARD TEAM!!! How does something randomly break within 30 minutes

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Time to use the transmog promo money for IT overtime.

Got it thank you

Can’t log into the beta or live servers.

Adding to the list. East coast US here, never had an account outside of the US. Can’t login with the rotating errors.

Can get into other Blizz games fine though. Overwatch and D3 not a problem.

guys, heads up

I never created an EU account. I live and play in the US.