I’m getting this error randomly, can’t figure out what’s causing it.

New OS install, GPU drives are updated, bios is updated

EDIT: My hardware is brand new, just got it for like 3 weeks

File 2024-09-01 23.53.42 Crash - 2084

File 2024-09-04 10.33.49 Crash - 1476

2024-09-10 18.09.52 Crash - 1524

How many of the addons are out of date?
In order to help you… All addons need be reset to default. No addons.
Reset your vars as well.
Good luck.
As for the new computer… Check updates.
Windows 10 had a restart this morning.

The game is installed on D: drive…
Check that it is formated as NTFS.

All addons are up to date according to curseforge. I update then every day. And yes, my second drive is on NTFS.

In order to do proper testing, you would want to backup everything and reset the UI.

Edit: Fixed a typo

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