ERROR #3350467440 (0000000000) File I/O error

Okay - keep me posted. Didn’t realize it was still trying to install.

yep, it keeps trying and just when i think it has finished installing, it gives me there was an error then it tries to repair and its a vicious cycle

This is a puzzle - I’ve seen these sorts of installation problems in the past. Always a puzzle. Did you ever have any other antivirus installed - AVG, Norton - McAfee those sorts of antivirus. Perhaps a trial that ran out.

maybe last year or so but theyve been since deleted and never used again

Hold on here - just noticed something. Your C: drive - the Evo is stuffed. Where is the game trying to install.

my game goes to my E drive (my SSD)

atleast i think its the SSD, i just split most of my games to the e drive instead of the c drive

You Evo 850 is SSD - it’s the C: drive - the game will try to install to that unless you specify a different place. The D: drive looks like a partition of a Toshiba 1TB drive or a very small normal HD. The E: drive is 750gb normal HD.

Did you specify the E: drive as installation location

I did choose the E drive

Alright second question - where did you install the when you reinstalled it?

that seems to be in the C drive as i am hunting through files

Alright - good it needs to be on C drive. Is it possible to get the game on the SSD the C: drive. Move things around. Would play much better and might even install.

Yup, I’ll move things around and try that!

You would want it on the C: drive - trust me there. SSD and Wow is pretty much the only way to go these days.

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I would go to the E drive then delete the entire Wow folder

it figures, thats how i thought i had it set up, but thank you for pointing that out. lets hope this works!

The C isn’t a big drive - you will need around 100 GB or more for installation - will shrink a bit afterwards.

One other thing - before you install on the C: check see if the Wow folder still exists in the C: ProgramFiles x86 - if there delete it.

clearing space…luckily there is no old folder in there, i’ll take that small win for the day

We are going to beat this problem into the dirt - haha