Error 132 - Memory could not be read

I’m unable to connect to from the launcher (uninstalled and reinstalled, just in case that was the issue - it’s not), and if I just launch the game, it gives me the old favorite Error #132.

Error #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception!

Program: (path)\Wow.exe
Process ID: 13216

The instruction at “0x00007ff6ee18bfa5” referenced memory at “0x0000000000000000”.
The memory could not be “read”.

Press OK to terminate the application.

I’ve gone through all the standard troubleshooting for error #132, and none of it has resolved the issue.

Was there something pushed recently that could be causing this?


I can’t log into Discord, Twitch, or Office.

Basically, anything with an app-based login, I can’t get in. Browser based logins are fine.

It doesn’t appear to be the firewall, as I’ve turned it off (to test) and still nothing.

Update the second:

System error log is giving:

Schannel 36871

A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10010.

Update the third:

I put in the wrong password and it connected enough to say “hey, that’s the wrong password”, but then still wouldn’t connect to Battlenet when I put in the correct one.

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I just got the same error TWICE in the span of an hour. Did Blizzard ever give you a solution?!

I got error 132 last night, after the game patched. I deleted my Addon, WTF and cache folders, then ran a WoW repair. It fixed the problem.

I haven’t logged in today to see if the solution held though. The last time this happened, I had to reinstall the game.

Just happened to me too, first time ever

There is a forum thread up that has information regarding the problem, but if that does not work, try waiting 20 seconds to a minute until you view a visible framerate drop and it returns to normal. Also, follow all advice regarding that thread if that doesn’t work- and if it still doesn’t customer support has narrowed it down to a possible hotfix given yesterday that has lead to a fluctuation of problems in logging in.

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Right click the WOW.exe and “Run as Administrator” worked for me…