Error 132 Legion portal Azuna

Currently stuck in a never ending loop of error 132 crashes while trying to get through the portal in Azuna for Aponi’s trial. Have tried the usual solutions and was dumb enough to try again after using the stuck service.


I have the same issue.

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Have you solve this problem?

I have, too.

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I too have the same issue

Also experiencing the same thing. Very frustrating and annoying :frowning:

Interesting, I’m stuck in the Dreadscar Rift gate in Dalaran. The gate launch screen comes up and then . . . boom . . . the Game crashes. I can log back in and play any other character but my Warlock is now dead.

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That is where I am as well. Warlock is stuck in the portal and crashes the game.

I accidentally found a “self-serve character move” which booted my character to a safe graveyard in the sewers so I’m alive again. Problem is, I can’t recall how I found that fix.

I’m having the same problem with a different portal. mine is in talador, seat of depravity and cannot continue with this particular quest. nothing else causes me to crash. i’ve run game completely without add ons, i have updated and reinstalled my drivers and did a scan and repair on the game itself and i can’t get thru that portal to finish the quest (destination: unknown)