Error 132 - Fatal Exception/Access Violation: I have tried pretty much everything

Gunna reply directly to you Tratt to make sure I get a bump in, and undo the edit with the same information.

Crash has occurred on default ui.


Error 132: N2T6xNQk

Hey there,

Going over reporting for the account I’m seeing 36 unique crashes (40 total) that were sent to us. Normally software-level issues are pretty much the same crash every time whereas something hardware level will be pretty random.

It sounds like we’ve tried resetting the game files, reinstalling drivers, and ruled out a good number of software programs as a possible cause. If the problem is happening even after a driver reinstall with no other programs running, even with a fresh install of wow, it may be time to speak with a local PC technician.

For additional information on the crashes themselves, the vast majority of them are related to particles, shaders and directx interactions. So our root problem will likely be related to graphics or power.

I do hope this info helps. If there’s anything else you might need just let us know.

When you referenced the driver reinstall and no other programs running, did you mean both of those concurrently? Because that is something I haven’t done, might try that.

I’ve been considering that yes I might need to ask for a technician’s assistance, but I’m scared of the cost of the help as this is a really rough year in general and month in particular. So I’m trying to exhaust every possible option first.

Particles, shaders and directx interactions. Do you have any suggestions of graphics settings that could possibly affect the issue, or am I just looking for a silver lining where there is none?

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