Error #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception! Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION

@FIREBRAN I just saw your comment and did the same now mine has no issues. Thanks my guy!

It’s exactly the same for me. Since it was updated to 10.0.5 it lets me enter but after choosing a character the loading screen comes up and when it looks like it’s going to enter the error pops up.
Uninstalling and reinstalling WoW has not helped… I have also sent a ticket.

Guys try updating drivers through manufacturers websites. Windows 10 claimed mine where up to date. Went to AMD and did an update, and my ERROR 132 issue is now resolved.

Why am I paying for a game that doesn’t work?? Since this patch everyone is having the error 132. Doing all the things on my end BUT this should not be happening.

Already updated drivers, still 132. I can log into classic no problem, retail only

@Lyes-pagle. Did you do it through windows. Or did you try the manufacturer website???

I went directly to the manufacturer, this happened there last patch as well, and they did something internal to fix it, its not on my end its 100 percent on blizzards

This is not the case. Not all have Windows 10. Some like me run the game with older versions and have all drivers updated. It is not a drivers issue. Blizz devs did something when making the patch that not let people with low ram or old versions of OS to run the game properly creating a conflict that crashes the game at some point.

I have now submitted a ticket as well. Other Blizzard games are working for me w/o issue: WoW Classic, Diablo III, etc.

All I’m saying is I had the same ERROR 132 after the patch like everyone else tried everything. Then I saw someone else post they went to AMD and did a driver update. I did the same. And now I’m loading in no problem.

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Could be a Blizzard issue. But it never hurts to try, and trouble shoot the issue. I’d rather solve the issue, and get back to gaming then wait on Blizzard to try and resolve the issue.

I have seen some people who have been unable to log into their characters at all be able to resolve this with a driver update or an interface reset, your mileage may vary.

If you are in the boat of players experiencing the crash due to rogue / druid stealth they have acknowledged its an issue and we currently do not have a solution. We are being told to wait and watch patch notes and the forums according to technical support.

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When there’s an update available you’ll be able to see that in the Battlenet app.

I’ve got nothing. I can login but every time I attack something the game still crashes with. 48 hours of this now. WE WAN’T TIME!

Error #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception! Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION

Yes I do believe the people like myself who had the Error 132 crash attempting to load in can be solved by driver updates.

I have all my drivers updated and still cant pass the loading screen.

There’s a blue post about it

No joy after the maintenance this morning. Got a form response on my ticket, but it did say to re-post my information, which I did. Hopefully something will come of it. The jitters of withdrawal are starting to set in. :hot_face: Papa needs to play.

same here, all the same problems

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Another day and the error continues…