Sup dudes.
I remember your name. Weren’t you like 15 when we raided back in the day?
I played on Eredar on and off from 2004-2012ish. Going to set up shop in Fairbanks, since it doesn’t look full yet.
Gingerbread - Undead Mage (eventually changed to a goblin)
Snott - Orc Warlock
Hot damn, Valient we played together A LOT, I think even back LEVELING playing WSG etc. I remember you very well! I’m out of town for work but I def will add you.
https:// discord. gg/ 77TYpWu
I see a lot of server talk thrown around. Faerlina is confirmed steamer paradise, and Herod was full on name reserve. I saved Steeleyes on Thalnos in case enough people went there, but idk about this whole Brazil thing. I also grabbed a couple names on Whitemane, cuz I figured I’d go there, but I’d be down to go anywhere cept Streamer land.
were all saved on Herod atm I got 100 eredar ppl on social group and discord
Well, FML lol
I hope this que time stuff ain’t for real, when im home I might swap my Name reserve over there I guess. Redrum, what you thinkin tho?
Supahfail - Rogue - Undead - Horde - Eredar
Was in a guild called Twisted, mostly did PVP
Looking for old Murder Inc buddies.
Started PvP with them. The greatest gaming memories to this day. I played as Ezekiell (Tauren warrior) and Pino (Orc Hunter)
-Jacko (Orc Warrior and legendary leader)
-Bahkra (Greatest PvP hunter ive ever seen)
-Necabotae (Troll shaman)
-Akzuk (Troll shaman)
-Slider (Undead rogue)
-Shiz (Undead mage)
-Gregg (Orc shaman)
-Bonedust (Undead mage)
There were many others but I forget all the names.
Greetings to our fierce alliance rivals in WSG too!
hay redrum and kitty and battler how are you all doing I don’t play new wow much and haven’t snice linch king its onattie I had change name when I moved severs later how you all been last guild I really raid with was SACK ,
I miss old 40man raid but I would raid hard core as much as back in day took up way to much time
Dude, i remember you! This is Bandit the NE hunter from SoD
I def remember fighting you pino I was Valient from alliance grinded rank 14 against u guys w Sundalo primal trollslayer and such
Felbarr - Tauren Druid - SACK -
Will be playing with my friend Ookzmixtakk (Undead Mage) like old times. Looking for my old pal Bigninja and everyone else from the guild
Redrum! Felbarr here, loooooong time no see. I was a tauren druid healer. Evilprophet I think I remember you also. I used to play with my Undead Mage buddy Ookzmixtakk, he raided with us in SACK as well - he will be playing Classic with me. Do you guys remember bigninja? gotta find that dude.
what up Terranman, you beastly tank you
I remember Bigninja.He was the best OOC rezzer of all time.Especially since he wasn’t too useful for anything else except talking during boss fights.I don’t know if Redrum is going to remake the guild for sure but I’ll be playing classic for the 40m raids and constant mat grinding.
Hahaha ^.^ that is true and hilarious. I’ll be playing, see you on there.
Herod supposed to be the nightmare server
Nightmare is my middle name not to concerned tbh I have like at least 30/40 ppl rdy for a clan to play, get discord on mobile and hop in to chat bro