Eredar Horde Reconnections

i hope you do. I will join and help you build it up. I might not have as much time as I used to when I was 18 but I definitely will have time to raid and do my part. I knew Redrum was the GM of sack I just wasnt sure if you were him or not. Any idea what server youre going to pick now, since theyre not bringing back the old server names?

Wow man!! lol talk about a blast from the past!! Thanks for sharing that with me.

I was in DKA as a warlock. I can’t remember what my name was though, I think it was Killerz it’s been that long. But I was in the MC / BWL days with warlock legend Lens

Cross, Troll Rogue.

Man, so many familiar name in here… who was the GM of Bloodshed again? Gogusrl? Jeez it’s such a blurrrrr.

Mauke the HW warrior checking in.

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holy crap mauke!!! one of the first if not first HW warrior right? also shot called for most AB’s we did right? -Lachonz

Nogloth- undead warlock. Anyone pick a server yet? We got a group of 7 loading up on Faerlina.

Don’t remember if I was the first warrior but I was up there. Yup, I ran the AB and WSG groups for my honor grind.

horde tauren Stanil the hunter that tanked 5mans part of the guild PSAknights with Zakii, and Pcow.
PSA knights we used to be the raiders of redridge mountains

Mistor - Undead rogue - was in a guild named FLIPSIDE KINGS


But do you remember Out of Combat?

Thalnos is the realm I will be on, and yea, I will remake SACK there . Hatemachine will be my main on the realm.

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Bruh, what it do. I remember! I’ll be there for Classic. But rolling Druid

I kept not posting with correct character. This is Steeleyes - Orc Warrior. I remember all these guilds. And def raided with SACK and all you guys back when. Was chasing Lachonz / Mauke and others for PVP. Got Rank 11. I’d be interested in meeting up same server


hello my old friend! /wave GM Valient here add me we need to talk!

hello my old friend! /wave GM Valient here add me we need to talk!

hi everyone Grand Marshall Valient here! also Dimarco horde side, we have made and Eredar social group and Eredar classic discord if anyone wants in add me MuRDeRa83#1543 I can add you all for good old times

Thalnos is Brazil server, Faerlina is Latin america/streamer server, Herod seems to be the way to go, make SACK on herod :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice dude i will be druid again also :smiley:

Lookin like Herod for now