Eredar for the Horde - Change My Mind

VE: “We want to indulge in Void magic!”

BE: “That is dangerous and volatile magic…which we are trying to avoid…cause you know…our history.”

VE: “Yes”

BE: “And…it is the magic that the greatest traitor to our race was studying and using, whom caused 90% of our people to be wiped out…”

VE: “Yep”

BE: “And…it is an energy source that is a danger to our Sunwell which we depend on for our health…”

VE: “kk”

BE: “Yeah…so you’re banished from the city because you’re way too dangerous”



Ahem, Cata, not vanilla. Vanilla we worked along side the Zandalari in dealing with ZG, in Wrath they were working with both factions in Zul’drak.

Not really. More like they owe everything to Alleria for saving them and the Alliance were the ones to welcome them.

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They didn’t go to the Alliance, they found a safe spot to study on their own and their motivation was to Help their people then Lor’themar sent assassins to kill them. Alleria found them and saved them from the Void.

What reason do they have to not go to the Alliance at that point?

Also let’s not forget Lor’Themar himself wanted to defect to the Alliance if not for Jaina.


Umbric literally says they want to take Silvermoon and use their abilities to “enhance” it.

I still think it’s dumb nobody blames Varian, but everyone blames Jaina.

Are we also forgetting that at the time, Lor’themar didn’t have issues with the entirerity of the Horde, but only with how Garrosh threatened his people?

A lot of forgetfulness happening here.

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No more race recolor swapping! The Draenei model should always be unique to the Alliance. Especially considering they’re the most unique race on blue team


What about, y’know, the whole conspiring against Sylvanas thing?

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Because it was Jaina’s doing. Varian and Lor’Themar actually had the negotiations ready. That being said, it wasn’t Jaina’s fault, it was the Belves who betrayed her on the first place.

Sure, yet he still wanted to defect to the enemy faction. Also at the time Lor’Themar was already not feeling cozy with Sylvanas either, remember they threatened each other not long after.

Varian: “Kick out the blood elves!”
Jaina: “No, Dalaran is neutral and should remain so.”


Jaina: Kicks out blood elves
Varian: “Why?! We were just in negotiations!”

It was horrendously stupid of him not to even mention to Jaina the negotiations since it directly involved her.

Oh you are right. Though I think Jaina and Vereesa would’ve kicked the Blood Elves out anyway.

I mean, if they don’t go to the Sunwell, what’s the issue really? is not like they don’t exist now and as elves they are still connected to the sunwell. So as long as they don’t enter the actual place, there doesn’t seem to be much of an issue.

Safe spot…literally within Quel’thalas land…

And after a massive void entity just tried to appear to drain the Sunwell, simply from Alleria’s presence, then yes you cannot blame him that he wanted to eliminate the people REPEATEDLY told to stop practicing void magic.

Finally…Garrosh was a monster and tyrant. Do you deny that? Lor’themar stated his main goal is the safety of his people and he would have needed Varian’s backing to defend against Garrosh if he defected. I find it interesting how people focus purely on Lor’themar during this time when every single Horde leader defected…

It’s possible. We’ll just never know, unfortunately.

Alleria was exiled after the Sunwell incident, her exchanges with Lor’themar beforehand at best would imply that her request was denied.

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They were used as tools just as the Orcs. The Orcs could have related to that, I believe.

Telongrus Rift is not within Quel’Thalas is literally another planet. There was just a portal set there.

Alleria, the most void charged being only caused some trouble after she entered the Sunwell itself, and the void elves didn’t know that, Lor’Themar could’ve at least warned them about that event before going all murdery.

Sure, I don’t Deny Garrosh was evil, doesn’t change the fact that when push came to shove, Lor’Themar was also quite ready to defect. Pretty sure the void elves wanted to be safe too, so what’s the difference in the motivation?.

Right. They saw her as a threat to Quel’thalas, not just the Sunwell, as she was, “tainted” by the void. Despite the fact it was a being stalking her that caused the incident.

I think Eredar would be a great idea for an allied race but they would need to have some kind of redemption story. Neither side will forget that this race actually tried to exterminate and enslave all of Azeroth (horde and alliance both) and not just Draeni.

You could make the argument that they most logically fit in with Alliance due to the shared history and common ground between Eredar and Dreani. Look at the US and British. They were mortal enemies in the early 1800’s but by the end-of the 1800’s the two countries were actually on good terms and by 1918 the US was fully committed to a major war allied with the UK. The shared history and common ground has much to do with ties stronger and friendlier between former enemies.

Would the Orcs forgive the Eredar, given it was an Eredar that manipulated them?