So it was data mined that Draenei in 10.1.7 are getting red or “eredar” like cosmetics for them which is cool, great! But what about the Tauren? There was a group in Legion called “The Fel Totem” which were basically Tauren corrupted by the fel and were introduced early on in the high mountain area as being a “war-like tribe that recognized and appreciated strength later deferring to join gul’dan.”
And lets face it, blizzard isn’t exactly consistent with lore or what classes can be what seeing as tauren can now be warlocks and we’re basically throwing the baby out with the bath water so, wy not add Fel-Totem cosmetics? Especially for tauren warlocks?
The horn tips could be green, the hooves would be cracked and those cracks give off fel flame energy. There could be different tattoos and hair styles and all sorts of things they could add but…nothing so far?
I mean, the man’ari customization is currently getting 0 of the legion customization, its just red
So considering the only diff between reg high mountain and fel-totem was the fel stuff, you can just RP as one and have the same amount of customization as other legion aligned groups
And Man’ari had unique textures, which also didn’t come into play in the final product. They literally just retextured existing textures for draenei, so what’s stopping them from creating new textures for tauren the same way? Gonna be a cheap imitation but still.
“unique models”? You’re telling me some additions to the horns and different looking tattoo’s are “unique?” That just sounds like lazy reasoning and even easier to pull off than an entire model recolor like what the draenei are getting.
Because they use separate models from regular Highmountain tauren, don’t have a model for females, and joined the Legion out of contempt for the other tribes, hence why the Highmountain tauren in the Horde don’t have Feltotem options in the first place; only tattoos representing the uncorrupted Bloodtotem. The other, bigger difference between the newly Alliance-aligned eredar and the Feltotem is that the former are redeemed in the new storyline and aren’t tainted by demonic corruption anymore, yet still retain most of their demonic appearances, while the latter are still fel-twisted freaks who most likely have no desire to seek redemption, assuming we didn’t just kill all of them during Legion.
Plus, Feltotem were, simply put, filler villains who were meant to be relevant for one expansion and then discarded. The eredar are backed by decades of lore, multiple major characters, and the divide between them and the draenei being a big part of the latter’s story arc. The Feltotem were just another antagonistic group of tauren that were invented because the Highmountain tribes needed their own answer to the Grimtotem, but at least the Grimtotem have been around since vanilla and had a character as an antagonist in Dragonflight.
The Fel-Totem were frankly ridiculous, and I’m glad they aren’t an option. The whole concept behind them was Legion expansion+Tauren zone=must have Fel Tauren enemy.
While the Bloodtotem are still part of the Highmountain banner, their corruption was injecting Fel instead of an effect by Fel saturation similar to Mag’har or Draenei.
This is going to come off as trolley but…and? Blizzard has literally ZERO consistancy with their writing in any regard thats why tauren can be both warlocks and paladins now.
As far as the model goes they already have the tauren model, it literally wouldnt be hard at all to turn horn color green or the horn tip green or whatever. It naturally makes sense anyway too, tauren can now be warlocks, the fel totem were also a type of warlock, the gap is miraculously filled!
As for the other half of “they would have to make new models!” You mean …do their job? Oh no! The audacity of me expecting something of substance from the gaming company im giving both my time and hard earned money to!
I’m going to start calling it when someone uses bad writing in the past to justify more bad writing the “Blizzard writer fallacy”. Or maybe the “Sunwalker fallacy”, because people still can’t seem to get over that.
This isn’t about their ability to write a consistent story, it’s about what need or precedent there is for them to give a redemption arc to a group of minor villains who weren’t meant to be used beyond two zones. To me, there is none of either, so I can’t see Feltotem options happening anytime soon.
The idea that draenei getting eredar options automatically justifies Highmountain tauren getting Feltotem options for the sake of parity is laughable. One has been around since the RTS games and has had multiple major characters and a huge impact on the story, and the other was introduced in Legion and had two minor antagonists that we killed ourselves onscreen, so obviously the former would take priority over the latter.
It doesn’t. Horde-aligned Highmountain warlocks and Feltotem are separate groups because the latter betrayed the other Highmountain tribes, hence there are no Feltotem in the Horde, and they’re probably all wiped out, anyway. If any Feltotem remain, they’re logically going to still hate those other tribes, and the Horde by extension, and not suddenly rejoin them just because they now allow warlocks. By that logic, the Scarlet Crusade should join the Alliance because they both have human paladins and priests.
They were primarily warriors, shamans, and druids. Y’all need to stop thinking that fel-infused = warlock or DH.