Eranikus "not accepting transfers"

Can you please communicate to us why no one can transfer to Eranikus? We were steady growing until no longer allowing people to transfer last night.

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they said they were going to stop transfers once it reached a certain point in order to avoid queues. but a lot of people have boosted characters like me who are restricted from transferring for a specific period of time, so now my rogue is stuck on Grobb when all my other characters have already switched over to Eranikus


Yup…I have some friends that were waiting on their transfer CDs after boosting because Blizzard screwed up boosting on Eranikus itself so…now they’re stuck on a different realm while the rest of us are on Eranikus. We WERE gonna raid 10 man together in Wrath but they can’t transfer over anymore so i guess that won’t be happening anymore. And of course AS USUAL absolute radio silence from Blizzard on this so awesome i guess…love it…


Because we don’t have any answers yet, Dillpixel.

I can’t share what I don’t, as of yet, know.


And that’s fine! All we want sometimes is a response. I really appreciate you responding even if it’s just a “we don’t have any answers yet but i’ll let you know what’s going on when i find out”. Again i appreciate the response. Hope the day is treating you well.


Just curious, what do you think will happen to the people that got blocked from transferring by the Invisible Argent Mail, and are now locked out from Eranikus because the server is closed. Its actually TRAGIC for our friend group. Just wondering, thanks.

Quartzaneger - please stop spamming this in every thread.

This is NOT a bug. Many quests and events produce mails that just don’t show up for a few days. That is very much intended, how those are built.

Is it inconvenient with this timing and circumstances, absolutely - but please quit spamming, especially information that is incorrect.

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ok sorry, but thats the answer then… “Is it inconvenient with this timing and circumstances”. thats REALLY sad.

It is - and we’ve been doing everything possible to assist those with mail they cannot see to facilitate transfers.

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YOU HAVE BEEN, you personally actually saved one of my friends 3 hours before the server closed. unfortunately his brother hadn’t gotten home from work yet. I find it crazy though that someone like you has been in the trenches fixing this problem for HUNDREDS of people on forums (bc ticket times are 7 days), yet nobody on the server closing team took any hint from this to not close the server. Do they not know you are out here fixing this for hundreds of people?

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So is the server closed indefinitely to server transfers? Do you guys not understand what your asking from people on these megaservers, myself like many others are trying to convince our established raiding guilds to go to a server with a small fraction of the population to escape queues so we have a good launch experience.


I deleted your post because you are seriously close to a suspension for trolling.

I’d prefer not to have to do that. Please don’t make it necessary.


If a post is deleted it’s because it violates the CoC or because your peers flagged it and a CM agreed that it shouldn’t be up. There are plenty of posts up all over this forum, especially from the last week, that do not paint Blizzard in the best light, but they remain because they’re not in breach of the rules.


I tried to give you fair warning about trolling, Ragencow.


Orlyia is doing the best he/she can in the situation, company’s are operated by people just like us. It takes time for things to get communicated throughout different departments of a company. show some empathy :slight_smile:


Hopefully get an answer soon, had a couple of friends transfer last night all of them made it except for one and they did it roughly around the same time.


Yeah my guild is also missing one to two of our members from faerlina who are out of town and werenr able to log on and transfer. Surely the server isnt ready to be locked yet.


I’m assuming the server automatically closed at a certain threshold to prevent over population, but blizz will see what’s going on with these specific instances of some people being separated from friends and will re-open transfers for a set time. that way everyone can be on the same page about when the transfers will officially close.


We really shouldn’t get into the realm of assumption and speculation. It’s a reasonable assumption, but that may not be what happened here. They are looking into it, and will update everyone when they know.

They may not, and we really shouldn’t perpetuate that expectation. Right or wrong, agree or not, I’ve seen this complaint happen after every free transfer since the dawn of the game. Someone didn’t get all their toons over in time, or they missed their guild deciding to transfer.

Once transfers are closed, that’s it. Unless I’m mistaken (very possible), they do not grant individual requests like that after the fact. Once free transfers are closed, then you have to use the paid service.

Now, this could definitely be an exceptional circumstance, and they may. But we have to wait and see what they say before expecting a future course of action.