[Era] Shall we do battle in the Valley? (2025/01/31 AV Weekend)

Hey guys :slight_smile:

Era has been understandably light lately but I’m wondering if we can motivate ourselves and get some games running on the next AV weekend. Not for any serious rank grinding purposes since we’re probably still a bit too thin for that yet, but just for some general fun and PvP action.

Cuddle party in the field of strife?

If this interests you, help keep this post alive so people see it. Tell your friends! :slight_smile:


I’ll queue for that!


When is it? It was AB weekend this weekend, and there were some games happening. There were some downtimes, too though…

Anyway, is there a regular BG Weekend schedule?


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I put the date range in the post title but supposedly it starts on the 31st of January. I’m not 100% sure if it’s accurate or not though… I found the date on a website I was using to track the schedule in the fall of last year while I was working on my R14 grind. It was pretty accurate then but I’m not sure how to verify it.

Please feel free to check me on this and if you find different info, reach out and I can make sure this post’s title has the correct information :slight_smile:


I know a guy


Next av weekend is probably dead, because it’s gonna be in fresh too. With a grind.

For the most part I’m directing this post at Era mains but you make a good point. We can also try this in the off week. Either way, I’ll be on and in queue on the 31st as I’m able, hope to see others there :slight_smile:

The strange thing is, the last 2 BG holidays have been a week early. AB just finished. Yet, on the calendar it’s listed for the upcoming weekend.

I’m hoping it comes back, I needed 2 more cycles to finish ranking.

I’ll queue for this!
:snowflake::ram: :revolving_hearts: :wolf: :snowflake:

Let me introduce you to my good friend Silithyst Geyser… :hourglass:

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Haha you’re going to need a lot of good friends if you wanna push past R11 with sand :smiley: I’d help a bit if you were on my server though!

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Q’d up soon as it’s live!

Viva la tortuga!


Queue it, queue it, queue it!!!


Make a cozy fire in the field of strife and revel in absolute perfection. :fire: :snowflake: :wolf: :ram:

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good idea :expressionless: i’m in

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I look forward to seeing you all over the weekend! Use this thread to discuss/coordinate queue times/general trash talk over the course of the weekend :slight_smile:

Good luck on getting some games!

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Yeah, we need to pick our battles on Era, this is not the time for a pvp resurgence with it just getting started on fresh. Of course, if I’m wrong and you get some AVs going then I will play.

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Certainly! Don’t think of this as a resurgence. Just an opportunity for some casual, fun games of AV for those of us who either aren’t playing on Anniversary, or aren’t taking it seriously :slight_smile:

I’ll probably jump in queue around 2pm pacific (6pm eastern). If everybody else does too, even if you’re just out and about farming, then maybe we’ll get a game or two going. I have a Horde and Alliance char as well. Those of us in the same position can maybe help balance queues.

Personally I don’t care if we win or lose, I think it would just be fun to get back into the valley and get up to no good :wink:

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