Era is dead

TBC is boring :expressionless: era population will go up a lot when it comes out imo.

Era servers will never die fully. GDKPs are way too lucrative for raid hosts who’ve made a fortune selling the gold they harvest in them through Paypal to ever fully die.

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I got news for you

Era is dead

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I’m raiding Naxx, AQ40, BWL and more every week, it doesn’t seem dead to me.

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Will have to disagree on the boring part, the TBC raids are far more challenging and fun, and there is a lot more end game options. Either way, we will see, I suspect at least some people will come back so it wont be quite the issue it was the first time around, where pretty much everyone left, but ultimately I think a lot depends on if the server becomes an forever server or if its just going to keep going down the expansions, as if doesn’t end at TBC, that kills a lot of what people want.

yep story mode gonna suck, but the 5 has been the best auto racing game from the past 10 years+ (better than Need for Speed), so i expect auto racing gonna be dope in the 6 too

Point of the post isn’t whether era is dead or not. It’s jabronis coming in and being toxic.

I experience no toxicity as I do stuff only with my guild or I am out farming. For example, two horde mages shared Winterfall Village with me this morning on Whitemane. And I found several mining nodes and noted zero bots. A fine morning with zero toxicity.

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This, I have 3 era characters I’d love to transfer to TBC when it releases. But Blizzard won’t communicate that nor whether TBC will have Era servers. I’m not going to abandon my two level 30 characters and waste my time on fresh with no word on TBC having a permanent Era server.

Some communication on questions that your community has been asking over, and over, and over again since the Fresh + TBC release would go a long way, Blizz. It’s incredibly disrespectful of the time we’ve already put into Era and the time that you want us to invest in fresh, without answering whether we can transfer existing era characters or if the new fresh character you want us to sink a ton of time into will transfer to a permanent home in TBC.


Can confirm, whitemane is virtually bot free and has been for about a year. I’m sure some exist somewhere but its very rare.

FOMO wow actually did us a big favor and took out the garbage.

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er before refresh bots were everywhere in brm and dm…

Saying era is dead isn’t toxic. It’s an opinion.

If you’re offended by opinions, I’m not sure why you’d even choose to be on the internet.

It’s Toxic because one they come in, troll then log off.

It hurts the player base because it spreads that sentiment and negativity and people become less inclined to play. Further pushing the population down.

There is constructive discussion and then there is trolling. I personally dgaf about their trolling, I auto block words with add-ons but most others don’t do this.

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Yeah man. Hoping they keep both TBC and Wrath servers this time around. Really really hoping lol.

Troll them back

there is zero chance you will be able to transfer from era to TBC :expressionless:

if you think vanilla era is dead, just wait until TBC era and wrath era come about… :expressionless:

There were a few, I read here one posted who said he’s killed many in the mountain that there were approximately 50 or 60 and then reported them to be banned, but nowhere near the level of bots that were a year and a half a go when we had thousands of bots flying up trees in broad daylight outside lights hope chapel and in faralas.