I’m drawing aggro from enemies other people have engaged, despite having never damaged, debuffed, casted at, buffed the target of, or otherwise interacted with the mob.
- Pass by another player engaged in combat with a mob.
- I enter combat despite not even clicking on or mousing over the mob or its target.
- Sometimes, mobs will even change their target to me and attack me if the other player has no threat on them.
- Or, additionally, if I’m engaged with multiple enemies, sometimes they will peel off to attack a passing player who has done nothing to them.
- This occurs especially and specifically with people who are not in my party, and people I have not cast any blessings on.
Expected result: Mobs stay aggroed to their original target and do not add players passing by to their threat table.
Actual result: The opposite happens.
Character: Valerìe
Realm: Defias Pillager