[Era] Horde of Grobbulus!

My fellow warriors! We, the Horde! Requiem, stand poised on the cusp of greatness. As the realm of Grobbulus trembles with anticipation, we seek to bolster our ranks with the finest champions Azeroth has to offer. To those who hunger for glory and conquest, I extend an invitation: join us! Together, we shall march upon our enemies with unwavering resolve. We shall crush their spirits and claim victory in the name of the Horde. Our ranks are open to all who possess the courage to fight and the determination to endure. Whether you wield the blade, cast the spell, or heal the wounded, your talents are needed. In Horde! Requiem, you will find camaraderie, purpose, and the opportunity to make your mark on the annals of history. Do not hesitate, my brothers and sisters! The time for action is now. Seek us out on the realm of Grobbulus and prepare to unleash the fury of the Horde! For victory! For glory! For the Horde!

Raid times: Saturday 7pm server

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I’d encourage you all to join up and see! It’s been a lot of fun so far and people seem really just to enjoy the game. The raids from the one I’ve listened in on are extremely chill and laid back. Feel free to add me if you have any further questions! TheMrs#11580. ~Kitty

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