[Era] Cata/Retail guild interface present in Era

  1. Log into Era on a character that’s in a guild.
  2. Open a guild tab.
  3. Observe the updated interface.

Whatever one’s thoughts on its design, it probably shouldn’t be present in Era and should be restored back to its original form :wink:


Hoping it is a bug where some wires got crossed. Or something. People in LFG channel are losing their minds in era right now.

Once again ERA gets fubar’d after a major patch.

Since we’re making changes pls give us repeatable Head/heart turn ins and an Annual scourge event pls aggrend. Don’t let the suits force you to forget us.

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Yes. This thread is relevant every few months. It doesn’t have to be if you test Era too before you release a SoD/Cata update.

I dislike the guild UI design. I think it was for guild banks… but you know as an indie dev company they couldn’t put together a feature for just a build bank tab in the actual bank now.

Whether it was intended or not, in the new guild UI, there is a calendar button in the top right of the guild chat tab, hovering or clicking it produces an error, as the calendar does not exist in SoD.

As the author of the Classic Calendar addon, while this is something I have already fixed locally, it is still a bug that needs to be fixed without any addons. And if the guild UI is staying, might I use this opportunity to request that we get the official calendar as well?