Equipping gear back and forth with 1 macro

how would I write…?
/equip Precious Bloodthorn Loop
/use Precious Bloodthorn Loop
/equip Loop of Eightfold Eyes

Im trying to equip Precious Ring, then wait 30 seconds to use Precious Ring & with the same button press equip back my old ring(Loop of Eightfold Eyes). No shift/control mods please.
I think it has something to do with a " ; " but can’t remember exactly

Not possible without modifiers or something similar because they’re the same type of item. It’s not like you’re switching between a fishing pole and weapon.

pretty sure theres a way to click the macro once then click it again to do what I said

If there is, it’s what you’ve written but I’m working off the assumption you tried that before posting.

If it’s not equipping the rings to the same slot change /equip to /equipslot and include the ring slot you want to stick them in.

/castsequence has an interesting behavior coded into it:

  • if an equippable item is in a sequence and it’s not equipped, equip it
  • if an equippable item is in a sequence and and it is equipped, use it
if ( IsEquippableItem(name) and not IsEquippedItem(name) ) then
	SecureCmdUseItem(name, bag, slot, target);

This lets us get around the need for secure button templates (which usually means too much text to fit in a macro) to achieve effects like OP is asking.

#showtooltip 11
/castsequence Precious Bloodthorn Loop
/run local c=GetItemCooldown(113082) if c and c>0 and c<GetTime() and not InCombatLockdown() then EquipItemByName("Loop of Eightfold Eyes",11) end

This will toggle between the Precious Bloodthorn Loop and Loop of Eightfold Eyes, or use the Precious Bloodthorn Loop if it’s off cooldown.


  • If it equips Precious Bloodthorn Loop to bottom ring slot, then you’ll need to swap your rings so it equips to top slot or something (changing 11 to 12 and changing the ring it equips back to). The /castsequence code does a simple EquipItemByName and nobody outside Blizzard has the ability to change that.
  • An addon solution can handle all this, with weapons in combat too, and do things like remember what ring you had before so you don’t have to update the macro when you get a ring upgrade.
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