I equipped my character with new gears i just get, saved the equipment on my “Balance” set.
I log out and log back in.
My character still using the same gear, but the “Balance” set on my equipment manager goes back on using the old equipment set.
So basically my new gears set isn’t saved on my “Balance” set, and it keep returning to it previous state everytime i log out.
I have removed Addons folder and WTF folder from my WoW folder, deleted my Cache folder. So it’s basically have 0 addon and 0 account settings.
Done a scan and repair.
The issue still happened.
Also i am pretty sure Equipment Manager Set is a server side. So regardless of any PC i played it’ll always have the same settings. Same as where you put your Spells in your Action Bars.
Same thing, very annoying, saving, deleted, saving, missing items, saving, switching specs, sets not following, logging out and back in, sets all bugged out again.
This is still affecting me. As someone who play multiple specs in raid/m+/pvp and switches gear sets constantly, it is down right making the game unplayable and makes me not want to log into the game. After the new patch that brings major changes for my class, best-in-slot azerite gears and stat priorities are all different from before, and yet none of the changes I make to any of my gear sets will save once I log out.
So until this is fixed or at least acknowledged by blizzard I will just not log on until I absolutely have to for guild raid nights.
Use an addon “Oufitter” for now, the gear is saved client side. This is a server side issue, sadly. And i don’t see any blue post responding to this yet