Epilogue Quests

Cannot see the epilogue quests at all. I’ve looked everywhere, looked on wowhead for quest name and location (no help). No breadcrumb or pop up in game. I finished the story in Emerald Dream did the raid quest. Where is it?

Seat of the Aspects, Alexstrasza starts it.


I recall over by the raid entrance for the night elf conclusion. :robot::thought_balloon:

I’ve checked, she has nothing. Checked on multiple characters and on no one does she have a quest for.

Thank you, finally got it! it was there… at the raid entrance.

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The Gilneas story could also be hard to find, it’s the stormwind knight beside the alliance portal in the Valdrakken capital. :world_map::robot:

You can also just page through the adventure journal to pick it up.

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Thanks Break, but i did that one yesterday. Appreciate it though.

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