@epicginga (Druid fratricide)

'Lil old me was minding my tauren self, clawing Hillsbrad peasants, when you killed me. I thought you might have been licking my fur at first, as one cat druid to another. But then my hp hit 0 and I was haunted by WoW’s ethereal death soundtrack. And that’s when I knew that the eternal code of druids looking out for other druids was broken. I had been killed by one. I do not know if you have been infected by rabies, or any other mind-altering disease to have caused you to act this way. If so, I hope there is a NElf priest who can heal you and sexily dance with you so you are back in the right state of mind. Otherwise, I hope you are immediately deregistered as a druid for your breach of essential druid code of conduct. Droods are for fite, unless it is with other droods.

Yours sincerely,

Tauren Druid
Defeater of the Wailing Caverns