Epic questline around Otto the mount destroyed all progress

Yeah if its not fixed in this patch notes I might as well wait, sucks to be us Otto enjoyers

I can confirm that I logged in fresh after maintenance, disabled add-ons, dropped barrel, and Otto appeared!
Just give him a second though, bc the empty barrel did appear after i dropped, but Otto appeared after with quest for mount. Good luck everyone. Hope it works for you all as well!!! <3


Same problem. Pls blizz fix it!

Can confirm. This fixed it for me too. Lets gooooooo!

Needed to farm a sec barrel?

I will do it this weekend when I have time to refill my barrel and come back to report my result.

Did the same here and got the mount!

ME FUNCIONO, GRACIAS !!! :slight_smile:

(Desactiven todos los addons, para mayor seguridad, Otto llego a los 3 segundos con la mision)

yeah same. logged in disabled addons and used the barrel and he showed up thank god. did not want to do it a fourth time.