Epic Premade?

Difference between pugs and premade?

Premade Leader : Explains strat in chat, majority listens

Pug Leader : Explains same premade strat in chat, majority complain/ignore/troll/afk/gg wE lOsE

That’s an interesting point.

In a premade raid, it’s very clear who is the leader.

In a random pug team, who is the leader? Is it the person assigned raid lead by the system? How is that person chosen? Is it the first person who zones in? Is it by highest honor level? Is it random?

I go by whoever volunteer strat calling. I’ll do it most of the time since chat is quiet, and I’ll keep going until we win or lose. Sometimes we get players who don’t give-up and we turn the situation around. But you’ll always have those who troll wanna-be leaders like myself and derail the whole BG.

Basically everyone should know the major BG strats and a few alternate strats in-case the original plan doesn’t work out. If they don’t know or are new players, usually cooperating with who ever seems to know and offering leadership can go a long way.

Most will follow an group blindly, assuming they know where the group is going. The problem is the leader of that group also doesn’t know where they’re going, but since everyone is following them, they assume they are going in the right direction.

We always see Video guides of how to raid/build classes/M+… but how many BG guides are out there? Describing strats and counters? I’m not a content creator, but I’d love to get more content from more experienced players.

It’s random, but if you are in a group then you get assigned leader . Even if it’s only a 2 person party


they dont even play the game they pvp here on forums more then they do ingame lol


That would be me, what would you like to know?

Ruthless, why did you make a thread about yourself? That’s kinda strange.


^^ A little late to the party…

It’s a forum. You can’t be late. :herb:

I do a different strat when I get Defense.

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why is budget kaiju making a puff thread about himself

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LOL IM DED :butter: :popcorn: :joy: :sob: :skull:

I only lead when it’s clear people will follow.

But if someone is trying to lead and he’s getting ignored then I don’t think I’m going to have any better luck.

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Dude you’re doing a really bad job at representing yourself and your community and if I associated with either you or your community I would be embarrassed for being associated. I love pvp and pvp everyday, but I wouldn’t pvp with you or your community strictly based on how you’re acting on these forums.


Best part about you is we’ll never see you in game. Nothing but a forum troll.

This thread brings back alot of memories good and bad. thanks. RR and BF are doing great if you cared and we’re only expanding. Haters are goin to hate what can i say. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

Damn this is old almost one year anniversary of the Disband.

We should celebrate. Last week of july or so.

:weary: :weary: dont remind me. Glad i haven’t seen that hater that disbanded gg.

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And no community in this game has ever held any power no matter how big ( none of them are that big).

Blizzard is like lord sideous they hold unlimited power.

Technically 1 giga rich person holds more power than a community depending. He buys more tokens.

It’s just epic bg drama. lol. also there’s alot of rage whisps from you charming why is that? like last night