You mean randoms? RBGs = rated bgs
Yea I’m not agreeing with the insult part, but if you do rated BGs your gear will come and much faster/higher than those who just do randoms.
You mean randoms? RBGs = rated bgs
Yea I’m not agreeing with the insult part, but if you do rated BGs your gear will come and much faster/higher than those who just do randoms.
No, you literally snipped the part of the post talking about gear that you were responding to.
Hmm, I’ve seen people using RBGs for random and Rated for well, rated, I’ll keep an eye out for now on so I don’t mix them up.
Hey you can use what you want, but some people might confuse what you mean. Usually through context it’s easy to figure out anyway
This is why I normally try to avoid acronyms :3
Oh ofc. I’m not trying to say PvP doesn’t reward gear at all.
I did do end game PvP for the first few months of the expansion, so I am somewhat familiar with the systems.
Sure it’s possible that someone could only do PvP and only get conq gear and be competitive. But, someone who does that will almost certainly, fall behind the same player, who does similar levels of rated PvP, at similar rating, but also does emissaries, world bosses, AFKfronts, M+, Islands, etc. Which the player who does both PvE and PvP should be better geared overall, ofc, but that person will also be more powerful in PvP because of their PvE efforts. In the past with resil/pvp power that was not the case. You could, and I did, only log on and que up PvP to earn your honor/conq points and be equally geared for PvP as someone who does both PvP and PvE (for the most part at least, there where a few outliers in legendaries in Cata for example, but overall it holds true).
This might very well be more psychological than anything. When I’d log on I wanted to que up rated bgs, or find arena partners, or just do some randoms to warm up. But if I did that, and ignored the emissary that could possibly drop an upgraded Azerite piece, and didn’t do the world boss that drops a trinket that would be BiS if it forged and didn’t do the warfront for the free piece of gear, etc… I would feel bad, like I was neglecting upgrading my character as much as I could. That might just be a personal thing, but that feeling of obligation to do all of these things that could make my toon stronger in PvP just sapped the fun out of it. Previous expansions never felt that way, I happily ignored raiding, dungeons, end game quests, etc. every expansion and was still as geared as I could be for PvP through conq vendors. Now if I do that there’s that nagging thought in the back of my head saying " you know if you went and did that warfront you could have a better weapon right now" or " You should be doing those world quests that could get you a better pair of shoulders ". etc.
I’m not saying that everyone should feel that way, nor am I asking for Blizz to change the game to fit my taste (though wanting vendors back is hardly a niche opinion), I have simply done what any customer does when they aren’t happy with a product… I’ve stopped using it. Or in this case I have found a way to still enjoy the product in a different way than they designed it. Though even that is winding down, I am basically just coasting by with WoW till D2 comes out then I will most likely let my sub expire.
I mean I get it, but that’s more a personal feeling like you said. You could technically just do pvp.
Yeah for sure, like I said it’s probably just a personal thing. But that feeling of obligation to do all this PvE stuff just sapped the fun for me. I was either not gearing up as well as I could be, or I was doing stuff in the game that just wasn’t fun. Neither one was a good option for me, so I just stopped playing. I don’t expect the game to change for me, that would be ridiculous, but if I’m not having fun in a game then what’s the point. I had basically quit all-together when some IRL friends decided to do the whole twink thing. In that I found a way to enjoy the aspects of the game I enjoy without all parts I don’t.
Not trying to say other’s can’t enjoy the current systems, I just personally don’t… and OP made this post explaining his reasons for not liking PvP this expansion so I just added mine.
Fair enough.
And all this has come about because we have a man in charge who hates pvp, and has allowed the pvp devs to slack off to an embarrassing degree.
I am really enjoying PvP this expansion, but I do have some gripes as well.
Warfronts should have a PvP mode- what a waste of the maps and story! They are an absolute snooze-fest and a chore, I hate having to do them as they are currently.
PvP islands are actually quite fun but the participation rate seems a bit low, sometimes we have to wait 20min+ for a queue to pop. I think maybe if they rewarded gear like RBGs they might be more popular.
Speaking of gear, yes, the gearing system is horrible. I have no control over it at all and it sucks.
PvP tuning and balance is generally pretty good, can’t complain too much.
The invasions in War Mode have been very fun, but the phasing technology has a huge effect on it and I think Blizz have done a very bad job with it.
Sometimes I see only Alliance, sometimes I see only Horde, sometimes the world feels empty, sometimes the world feels full. I join a group and everything changes. It’s confusing.