Epic Losses in a row can you beat it

lol Bdm, interesting song. :cowboy_hat_face:

I am fairly convinced it’s a time of day and probably day of week issue. For my ally toons, I’ve decided to try playing more small BGs or play earlier if i want to do epics. That may help. Just played a couple E-Z wins DwG and TP on my allies. I love TP with a good team. :cowboy_hat_face:

Here you one. :rofl:

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^gif inspired by droolds and draeneis

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What addon show you this?



There’s another I’ve been meaning to check out, Weiz PVP. I’m in a guild with the guy, I should probably try it


I am trying the weiz one, mainly because I like the crosshairs concept. So far the concept seems better than my actual experience, but I’ll keep giving it a shot. I still have rather rare sightings of forum folks in BGs. If there are people I see ‘more than not’ it’s hordies I get to play alongside, like Ine and Jara. :smile:

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I started playing more small BGs and notice the ally teams are not so good this weekend. It might be fun to play small BGs if you can win 1 out of 3 played, very consistently - OR if you could at least play the maps you like and block 2+ that you don’t like. Again, the time investment on alliance side is pretty skewed for the ‘fun’ I get (wins).

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I’ve been running wiezPVP for a while now and really love it, the crosshairs are great for keeping track of players in deathballs as well as locating players quickly.

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Inemia we had a GREAT comeback in that one damn was that close or what. :wink:

definite props to your team, mine was full of idiots who thought their arena rating or pvp experience from 5 years ago matter.


When I beat fire mages In dps that shows how weak our team is I try to tell them there no way in hell a Tank going to beat my fire mage In dps. there was a lot of arguing going back and forth in chat so I start to not paying much attention to chat after that.

P.s I was thinking this would be a bad game we was split at the beginning.

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Gg for u guys.
Tried to preach to stay in the base and win by reinforcements but they had to wander off…,

That BG it literally came down to the last hit on the Boss and we got lucky.

Seems pretty cool. I just don’t see if it has a KoS function to flag players for special alarms. I like that function in Spy, it’s my favorite.

Weiz is neat for melee. It discombobulates me on my huntard. I do like the jingles and tones although I wish it was a tad more customizable. The stealth warnings seem to be a huge distance and I wish I could program a kos.

They didn’t focus test it. Too many stupid bugs. And taking away our ability to choose our GY sucked.

I liked the crosshairs but it’s kind of confusing when you’re driving a demolisher since depending on the ground angle you might be shooting off to the side but the crosshair lines can mislead you.

I think I’ll stick with Spy for now. I’ll keep Weiz installed tho just so I’m aware of updates and maybe KoS will appear. I would assume KoS would be relevant to him since the guild him and I are in has hit lists.

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The crosshairs were making me think the target was closeby since the recticle doesn’t change size per distance. I wasn’t very efficient since I was not used to it. I will say it’s very pretty to look at!

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Yeah I thought I was chasing Misaki around to make her run way, but in reality I was shooting 45 degrees to the left and bombarding Kalimdor. Not as intimidating as I was hoping for.

It could be worse, I’ve seen pug Mages beat by Guardian Druids on the damage charts in epics :thinking:

I saw our very own Darelin (Guardian Druid) from this forum beat like 3 mages on the damage charts, this was during a long drawn-out AV loss. I took a quick glance at the damage charts and saw Darelin at position #7 or #8 on the Alliance list (from the top down)… when the match had been going for like 34 minutes. You have to be a pretty sad excuse for a Mage to get beat by a Guardian Druid on the damage meters :joy:

And yes, one of the tell-tale signs of a weak team is seeing tanks in the top 10 DPS slots in an epic bg. That should never happen if DPS is even half-awake and pushing their 4-5 buttons :grimacing: