Epic BGs and premades

Says the person who says “I’m not biased”.

That’s because I get to choose how I think Hirav. You think the world revolves around your personal believes and view. Just fyi it doesn’t.



I dont do much epics anyway, my BG random ratios as solo queue sit about 70% give or take.

I am commenting on what I see in game, the pvp base slowly rotting away from the game itself and premade cheats like yourself dont help that problem.

Not a subscriber but I will take his opinion over yours any day.

They could just come out and say it. They obviously Police these forums they just burying their heads in the sand at this point.

Haha I know, but its fun to go back and forth with him every now and then.


There are a couple of schools of thought on that.

I lean towards the idea of a determined universe, so no, free will is an illusion…

Why You Probably Don’t Have Free Will

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Was it delicious? Was it one to forget? Whatever it was, you didn’t choose to have it. You might think you did. But, in actuality, you didn’t. And though you may have had the conscious awareness of choice — porridge or toast? coffee or tea? — and remember making an active decision, the fact is you could not have selected any other option. Any decision you think you may have made was simply an illusion.


We all have biases that affect all aspects of our lives and the lives of others with whom we interact. Although people have both explicit and implicit biases, the implicit ones are the most concerning because they are the ones we don’t recognize we have.


They could do anything.

But for more than a decade, they’ve done nothing.

You’ve got to wonder if the system as it currently works, is working as intended.

That’s what you can believe but that doesn’t make it true. This is just the proof that you think the world revolves around what you think and believe. But once again, it does not.


This tells you everything you need to know about how dishonest he’s being—he’s still trying to make it about winning or losing. Stop taking the bait.


If organized raids were “intended” in epics, they would be able to queue as one.

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Or the system as it currently works is how it’s intended to work.

Blizzard have been aware of syncing for more than a decade, why is there still something to complain about it if it isn’t intended?

You can’t get away from that question.

It’s the thorn in your side.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

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Yes, I know, you keep rolling out this decade old paragraph.

They have had more than a decade to fix things, yet they don’t, I wonder why.

That’s because it’s the last official information we have about it. Clearly epics are not intended for large, organized raids. Thats a fact you can’t accept because it blows every argument you have out of the water.

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You still have not addressed why they haven’t fixed something in the last decade.

Because they haven’t done anything with randoms in that amount of time. Lack of attention does not mean exploiting is what’s “intended”.

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See above…

We got an entire new battleground in that time, two even.

I wonder if the fact that they’ve not fixed the queue, with simple fixes, which are used in other queues, is because the system is working as intended.

And? It’s called adding content to shut people up.

Nope. That’s just your wishful thinking to justify your exploiting.

Which shows they’ve at least looked at Battlegrounds in the last 10 years.

Also, didn’t they adjust the scaling of NPCs in epics at the start of TWW?

It’s a question, not wishful thinking.

I wonder if the system is working as intended? Which is why Blizzard hasn’t done a single thing about the queue in a decade, even though they’ve been aware of syncing in all that time.

It wouldn’t be hard to fix, and it’s certainly not hard to ban people, I wonder why they haven’t?

Could it be that you’re wrong?

I’m sure Blizzard wanted raids to queue sync by removing the ability to queue as a raid.

Just come out and say you enjoy exploiting Hirav. Your not much different from those gamers that download Aimbots and such in my eyes.

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No, you’re assuming.

In more than a decade, even knowing about syncing, Blizzard has not changed the queue system, has not banned a single player, I wonder why?

It can’t be because it’s too hard, or that they can’t.

None of you can answer my wonder.

I wonder why?