Epic BGs and premades

No one is cheating, except you.

Ooh you gotta tell
Me how I’m cheating

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Ok could you phrase back to me how I defined cheating

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Ah yes that’s right, conversation was so insignificant that i kinda forgot what we were talking about….right! Que synching, Que dodging, scripted addon usage that all clearly violate the terms of endearment :joy: it was more fun with your little buddy Que synchers were around

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No wonder you’re lost, if you’re using a made up document.

Haha ok buddy :joy:

It is very much you though, using your own definitions, using documents you made up, very much you.

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:scream: man that’s insane, time to hop off my dude, it’s not worth it. I say this with complete love. I don’t agree with your opinion of the exploitation, I think it’s wrong and you don’t. That’s okay. You don’t need to be convinced otherwise.

But life it short dude, that’s a lot of comments to rack up. Have a small break, it’s important for your health.


hes determined to the change the minds of people on here that he’s not engaged in cheating communities. he’s gonna die on that hill

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Pay my sub. Then you can tell me what to do.

We all know you’re in favor of premades. That’s all good and well.

Here’s my question. What’s your opinion on the private addon that monitors the activities of other premades? It does so through the utilization of data players aren’t meant to have access to.


But none of you actually read anything I post, it seems.

If premades don’t like the prospect of being tracked, they shouldn’t be using an addon made by the leader of a different premade.

As for if it being private is against the rules:

Start from here, I have an entire discussion about it…

For good reason. You might want to consider why that is—or don’t. Whatever.


Echo chambers don’t echo if you let yourself read opinions which differ.

This guy is bound and determined to convince or himself that using addons and Que synch communities aren’t full of garbage cheating players. And prior to ven posting videos of this disgusting abuse of Que manipulation….he had all these little Que synch buddies running. Around and they would flag posts and he had his little hype men supporting him. But if you look on the forums now… he’s all by himself. Nary a little Que synch cheater to be found


Yeah, they’ve taken down a few of my posts, but they can’t and won’t silence people speaking out against this kind of abuse. It only reflects poorly on them and shows how desperate they are to control the narrative about something they’re supposedly confident Blizzard supports them on.


Well…I don’t like streamers it’s not my thing….but when they present publicity on such a large forum with large viewer population….blizz usually has to do something because it’s really bad publicity. So in that regard they are kind of like the press …just keeping things honest. And if you notice, some of the leaders of the Que synchers are no longer around. Keeping their heads low or they already been banned. What comes around goes around I guess :joy:

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Not noticeably. Nice cope though.