Epic BGs and premades

It’s always the same people in every thread, desperate to derail and shut things down. But Blizzard’s on your side, right? You don’t even believe that yourselves.


I play healers. Sometimes rated sometimes non. Sometimes never play epics.
But Que synching and Que dodging and using addons WHICH :100: happens….is against the terms of agreement. That’s it. That’s all.
And I have never been carried, never skirted the terms of agreement or blatantly broke them. Sometimes the little Que synchers gang up on us and mass report us because they can’t stand us stating the truth


Why is it that the anti sync crowd is so afraid of being reported?

Could it be that they’re working entirely on emotion and often say things which are against the forum rules?

From blizzards official blue posts. Not the same as forums just FYI.

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Well, no, it’s from the forums.

But you accept the blue as a Blizzard blue, even though:

Probably because they say the things you agree with.

You can only find it on a third party website now though.

So it isn’t even a forum blue anymore. They work for Hearthstone now.

… Can’t fix this kind of stupid. It’s not from the forums. It’s from blizzard’s official blue posts. Learn the difference it will help your life out a lot.

Yes, it is…


BAHAHA wait you actually think those are the same??? Like really you do? Oh man Hirav, that makes so much sense, you guys actually think forums posts are official blizzard blue posts HAHAHAHAA

No, you just like to cherry pick and use your own personal definitions.

Is Daxxarri posting on the forums in the above post?

Although, you are the one who argued that the forum software was wrong because it calls individual posts, posts.

Just go away Hirav, people like you are the reason more and more people are advocating for bans of you and the people like you. You’re doing more damage than good.

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Why lie? I argued that it didn’t make sense and was a bad system. Holy cow you are just pathetic LOL

No, I’m allowed to post here, if you don’t want to engage, you are probably perfectly capable of not.

Odd, I’m fairly sure I remember someone on your side admonishing you for exactly that.

I have noticed a pattern where you see people use arguments then you mimic them, as though they’re your own.

I wonder if there is a name for that.

I wonder how you’ll try to wriggle out of that one.

Of course you leave out context… so disingenuous.

Here’s the full thing.

You see where you say “the forums are wrong”?

Also I notice that you didn’t actually argue that it was a bad system.

Of course you ignore the part where I accepted that I was wrong and corrected my wording and then I said yes, it’s wrong to call everything a " post".

You see where you leave out context and lie to push your hate? No of course you don’t. Anyways you are derailing per usual, so I am done with you.

And then you went on to say, “Also yes, the forums are wrong,”

No I posted the entire post and if people want to see the larger context, they can click on the link.

That’s how links work, FYI.

It isn’t a lie, I linked your entire post.

I don’t hate you. I do pity you though.

I really think you should go get a refund on that “education” of yours. But anyways stop derailing.

Why lie?

I am done with you. You just don’t understand what that means lol hence the need for that refund. :wink: