Epic BG Remove Wintergrasp or Ashran Vote Now


i’d rather have the option to blacklist certain players or whole servers.


That would be nice, but that list will get long in a hurry .

It’s even right now.

I hate WG I want it gone.

I voted for the correct answer which is Wintergrasp but I’d rather see it reworked than removed. Ashran needs some reworking too. Like maybe a way to make an enemy spawn away from their base to give the team that’s been able to push that far a chance to get the boss kill and end it. Not as much reworking needed as WG needs tho.

Wintergrasp would be ok if all you could have was 5 vehicles at one time right now it is just vehicles madness. on my mage the other day I had 9 killing blows, but if you was to take a closer look I only deserve 2 of those kills the vehicles came in and took them out.

Most horde like WG and they should, they win that like we used to win AV.

Blacklist might be the solution. They might need to rehire a few guys for a few weeks to fix this then fire them again once it is up and working correctly.


Blacklisting IS the solution. However seeing how alliance never win wintergrasp, just remove that map completely. Unpopular opinion, but I actually enjoy ashran. Hell, I don’t even mind losing, just with one condition:

The sides are relatively balanced.

It’s premades or mythic geared/guild horde groups that I am constantly getting pitted up against with a random/undergeared alliance group that grinds my gears. If you want co-ordinated guild groups or friend groups, go to rated battlegrounds, there is a reason random battlegrounds are called random. There is nothing random about being put against a horde premade nowadays it seems.

This show you how much I like it xd. I have not played it as much this week I had RL stuff going on.

Guess I got demoted won’t let me post links anymore . I guess that’s what happens when you speak your mind. :roll_eyes:


Welcome to the demoted club.


I think I will blame Afks for this. :wink:

Good for you. I enjoy it, and sorry to say, I don’t really care whether you do or not. Best of luck!

I was saying that I like Ashran I agree with you chill just a little bit.

I don’t want to see anything removed. It’s kind of frustrating to see threads like this. Instead of asking for something to be removed use your critical thinking skills to give feedback on ways to make it better.

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I was just going by what I have seen people posting on the forums and how they felt.

I don’t think I’ll be doing anymore polls Blizzard has killed my enjoyment for it. :frowning_face:

Badly designed poll.

you dotn need to remove them just add black listing back.

If you think you can do better by all means go for it. :roll_eyes:

Its fine how it is. If you don’t like half the Bgs just queue the two you do like. I know it’s been said before but can’t be said enough imo.

Ashran was bad in WoD when you could form premade raids with optimal setup. Do you expect it to be better when its made via random LFG. Wintergrasp too much is decided with the first skirmish.