Epic BG queue RIGGED in favor of Horde

The situation with epic battlegrounds is completely unacceptable. Alliance wait 20 minutes in queue to often get put in one that is already losing, with 25 Alliance vs 40 Horde.

Even in fresh games, which you rarely get put into, it is completely impossible for Alliance to score a win. Many people on Alliance have given up queuing for epic BGs because the win rate is lower than, “why even bother?” so it is full of new and clueless players who are geared in questing greens and don’t listen to or understand calls.

This is not a “get gud” or “LTP” scenario. There is very little a single player who knows the game can do on their own other than hope to queue into a miracle at this point.

Anyone who needs epic battlegrounds for a quest are just screwed at this point. Good luck spending 5 hours a day queuing into only losses. Hope you finish that quest sometime before the next expansion.

This is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately. Imagine all the players who returned for Classic you’re trying to get into BFA choosing an Alliance race and trying to play battlegrounds. This game has a large casual population whose endgame is queued content like BGs and LFR, and you’ve screwed half of your playerbase with whatever you did to rig games in favor of Horde.

Until this problem is fixed and epic BG win rate is close to 50-50 again:

  1. Remove the free 65 conquest reward for Horde from epic BGs.
  2. Remove quests that send players into epic BGs.
  3. Allow Alliance players to queue into epic battlegrounds as mercenaries who need wins for achievements/reputation.

Just lost a WG where we had 1 healer vs the Horde’s 8 healers. Every Ashran that I’ve been into we start off with 30 vs 40 in favor of the horde from the start. As soon as the gates open, people leave which drops us even further and people don’t come in fast enough. By the time the first skirmish happens, it’s 20 vs 40.

Wait I thought AV was Alliance favored cause of the bridge. Lol :woman_shrugging:

Blizz can’t do anything for the Alliance sucks


It’s 100% a git gud and l2p scenario.

There are others who feel them same way for being forced into dungeons and raids to fight NPC’s.