Epic BG Premades - Massive Exploits & players actively destroying this game

It’s like the people who will never believe blizzard got a permanent ban wrong, blizzard tripling down saying they will not reverse it no matter what, then they reverse it later.

Blizzard is more keen on taking actions against a single person doing something outside of the game than take actions against a big group of players breaking rules in the game.

A lot of people don’t pvp. A lot who are interested in rewards move onto ranked after getting a honor set.

Even then its better to just do dailies for a week to get bloody coins. Normal bgs exist in this weird kinda useless state.

They should be to gear up and they are the most obvious path to gear for new players. However experienced players usually skip over them.

So its a ever shrinking group of uninformed players and premades in them.

Lower conquest and honor gains from epics. That isn’t the best solution but it really has come to this.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I mean, you can ignore the involvement of addons and simply look at the problems of premades and their escalation. So much so we have people actively bragging in this thread about what they do.

They tend todo things in waves. Multiboxxers were in this same group relative to the rules. They weren’t a problem for years and then that changed. That’s happening now with premades. They have made the bracket unplayable and they gladly brag about it.

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BlizZard has and can change their policy of what is and what is not acceptable. Saying that is policy for now invites room for BlizZard to re-evaluate and change.

I would be scared to take that position because BlizZard swing like a pendulum very sharply back and forth.

Worst case scenario is they ban any ability for anyone to group up in randoms which would be a shame. This is because it would shut out people that duo or play with a small guild of five players.

But it has reached this point then BlizZard might consider it.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Yea, one of the issues is the ambiguousness of some of their rules. That we have to sit on the forums and debate what is and isn’t acceptable sucks.

I’m fine with people grouping. Groups of 5 aren’t super disruptive. The easy answer is to just limit the amount of groups that can join a single BG. Should never be an instance where 8 groups of 5 are getting on the same team.


BlizZard never intended more than five to join in unison so it is up to them to update their policy.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Yea, they should do that as well.


Just make it so raid groups can join again. That way if you want todo epics, you just have to look for a group doing them. While I don’t think that’s a great solution, it does level the playing field if players can just look in lfg for a good group.

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The reason why raids were banned from epic BGs was because there was gold selling going on and the farming of honor and conquest was tied to that.

Not the same situation as of right now but there is overlap maximizing wins for conquest/honor per hour.

BlizZard is very aware of what happening but they are probably thinking of the best way to solve this without impacting so many players.

Like I have said before they may ban any grouping up in randoms which would impact a lot of players. But the flipside is you can’t have 5 epic battlegrounds with 4 of them missing players. 160 players are impacted because 40 are coordinating into 1 of the 5 epic BGs instances.

Multiply that by several factors and it starts to impact thousands of players . Like I have said before Swifty did a lot less and he was banned for it.

Disruption is clearly not ambiguous BlizZard policy though.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Yea, makes sense. That said, I remember doing AV in raids and thinking it was pretty normal. Not the route I would want, but would take it over what we have now.

For sure. I don’t think most people understand the impact. Most people that don’t PvP just assume it’s the one group that’s impacted.

  • Every BG they drop queue for OR they leave is impacted.
  • Every BG they sit in and people leave and new people join are impacted.
  • Then obviously the people that were in the BG to start were impacted the most.

Could be hundreds of players having their experience destroyed so one premade can stack a bg.

haha yea. We know that, but apparently it has to be spelled out in stone for the offenders.

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They do. They are just trying to help spam the thread with argument replies so that it gest shut down. There is proof of what you say already out there on YT vids and other places. Blizzard knows it is going on, they just choose to do nothing about it.

And they always start spamming lol at the end of every reply they make when they are losing the argument that they started.

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Dude there is not secret addon tracking players… The rest I agree with but that’s pure fantasy on your part.

It’s not my fantasy. @_@

A player in one of these communities shared the details. Screenshots of it. Explained how it worked. Pretty elaborate fantasy. I don’t see the reason they would need to lie. Why now? Maybe you’re right… but seems like something is up.

But as I have said, regardless, the outcome is the same and we have premade leaders bragging on the forums how they control epic bgs.

Definitely. It took a huge amount of community outcry to deal with the multiboxxers. We really have no other paths. It’s really sad we can’t even get a simple nod. Crazy. You can be a customer of a company for decades and not even get a response.

Just sad.


I’ll believe it when I actually see proof it exists, so will blizz. Ever bother instead of the forums using the hacks email address for blizz and send them the screenshots etc, you know Proof?

I understand. Yes, I have emailed them. I have never received response. Ever.

The problem is the original post was removed on reddit. They revised it and that post was also removed. If they posted anything here, it would get removed.

Maybe they have sent something to blizzard. Our tools are limited. I have been reporting this stuff for years and nothing is done and the problem is getting worse. I still would like todo epic bgs. I really enjoy PVP and these players are ruining not only that, but the game overall.

Raising awareness is all we have. Venruki covers some of it on his stream. For now, that’s what we have.

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https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8ONdxmv_7Q

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Yep just watched it there. Nice to see Venruki get the vid up on youtube like he said he would.

These premade communities are doing exactly what the bajillion pvp forum posts about this say they are doing.

Epic BGs are entry pvp. This behavior does affect the game…and for what? To roflstomp stomp pugs all night into the dirt? Not good, not great at all.

There was awhile there where their arguments were actually: “Well, we want a fair fight!” That still happens now and then, that argument being made. The rest of us kinda laugh…

Anyway, the real qustion is below:

Does Blizz actually do anything?

That is the real question…


We’re at the point that epics are completely being ruined. While I still do them for weekly from time to time, I largely avoid them and I’m sure most other people do at this point.

At this point the silence from blizzard is insidious. They have to be aware of it. My guess is they don’t want to lose the customers and are just turning a blind eye to it. There are so many simple solutions. Regardless, could they just clarify the rules, most of us would be happy.

It’s just crazy to me that I have been a customer of this company going back almost 30 years now. The support and customer care we get now is atrocious. 30 years and can’t even get a response. Really sucks.