Epic BG Premades - Massive Exploits & players actively destroying this game

Anecdotal so meaningless.

ROFL no way there are more than 5 epics going on at the same time.

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Nah, you have a problem. The issue has been raised by tons of players and it’s gotten worse.

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No clue, do you have the numbers?

I don’t have a problem, I’m not the one that made the thread crying lol.

Oh no that’s horrible.

What is the community?

So I can avoid it

If it was 100+ the premade issue would be almosy invisible like it was before shadowlands.


I just put a number out, I have no clue how many and neither do you, that’s the point.

Is this addon like the old queue sync addon that people would use to make sure 4 or 5 five man groups could be in the same epic bg?

That used to be so much fun to do

Its always the same players in epics.

If that’s true, then it’s not even worth bothering with because the players numbers are so low it doesn’t matter lol.

There are probably more pet battlers than epic bg.

Most impacted are the pugs outside the epic bg core.(players who do epics almost exclusively)

The pugs who pass by for their daily conquest before doing rated and never coming back in epics.

I know when I quit PvPing the void I left caused balancing issues.

Sorry about that.


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Because single posts on reddit from burner accounts are always 100% accurate, and must be unquestioningly trusted.

Don’t trust it. Still doesn’t change the problem exists.

How it works in Tol Barad is a player who has rezzed in the graveyard and remains in it cannot take damage, while an enemy player who enters one will take full damage.

Yea, I think that would be a goos start. I think anyone hanging out near a GY should be punished regardless. I get passing through, but just camping it

You say that, but appear to be operating under the assumption that there is a secret addon (of which this reddit post you haven’t even linked, just posted a screenshot of is the only source), and not that this is just a disgruntled player with an axe to grind who’s embellishing for effect and inventing stuff to sensationalize it and make it look worse than it is.

Hate to burst the bubble, but Oqueue was busted long ago. There are no add-ons other than BattlegroundCommander that are used. Now if there is a “secret club” Oqueue revamp? I doubt it exists.

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 premade pubstomping and avoiding other premade.

anything new here?