Epic BG premade and those ppl will threat players if we disagree with their failing strat

i don’t need to.

You are a premade bg Andy that care about random bg win rates, caught red handed, what does the win rate even mean to a personal level? I don’t lead the raid the win or lose is not up to me at all. I hope bliz ban all premades in “random” bg that are suppose to be 100% pugs so ppl like these really look into the mirror, you are not better than any other average pvper. Period.


is that an insult, am i insulted?

i don’t feel insulted. guess not.

Where does the game tell you this?

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Congrats you are better cuz you preplan and get on disc against a pug group. Claps claps, best pvper ever!


Interesting perspective but I think there are many other equally valid approaches, especially in Pugs games, you would never know what situation we are placed into and that is where the fun is.

What does the word “random” mean to you, a premade with full communication against a pug, is it fun? Is it fair? Is it good game design?

no, but it is random.

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Random map.

Like Random Dungeons can be queued with a full group and you get a random map.

It also mean random mixed group of ppl on a random map, everything should be random. Justifying premade group designed to have an advantage over the other honest pug is just sad.

Where does the game tell you this?

random game, random map, maybe you get a premade, maybe you don’t, its random.

So it means everyone could find out exactly who their members will be, before the match start? That would be good!

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Stop avoiding the question, premade, preplanned, pre typed out macros with commands with raid markers, VS complete pugs, fun? Fair? Good game design???

I don’t understand, can you reword your question?

you actually used to be able to specify an instance ID back in vanilla thru BCish. so if all your friends and guildies were in a game, you could queue into that exact instance with them.

Do I need to? OK. Since only maps are random, and the member of the team is not, then everyone should be able to decide/know who their members will be? I would like to know how I can do this without needing to queue sync.

Unfortunately we can’t now… It can be fun but not quite what today’s random battleground is.

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At the end of the day, there are those type of ppl that like to cheat, having unfair advantage over the opponent is cheating.

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I didn’t avoid any question, I just didn’t answer it.

That’s three questions.


Depends on your perspective.


Yes, you have exactly the same tools available to you. A premade doesn’t have more players or more gear, pugs have access to voice chat and have the same numbers of players.

Good game design?


Yes, premades should be able to queue as a full raid. With pugs filling in gaps.

If pugs didn’t treat epics as ‘a place to gear in’ then they would win more often and be a challenge to the premades.

Lol Huge advantages yes, but I feel maybe not quite at the cheating level yet. A predetermined team is very strong, but not that unreachable, at least not like the cheaters in Fortnite, yet (ok… Partial Premade of 2 x 5 person team is barely OK for Pugs to handle, but anything more than that would be too much). Anyway this is just my own opinion.