Hello fellow pvp’rs I’ve decided if I ever came back to wow again it’ll be just for wpvp and epic bgs with some 2100+ rating.
So I’ve enjoyed my frost dk but not sure if melee can do I ate in epic bgs damage and kills wise. Like balance Druid’s or hunters. So do you think MM is still good or would a rogue, feral or warrior be more fun with max PvP gear ? I’ve never played a rogue, feral or warrior not sure which is better. Or should I stay ranged class ?
Any advice I’ll appreciate so much
Frost Dk and fury are going into the trash come 11.1 w/ removal of Battle Trance [healing 1% hp per sec and rage] and the remorseless winter stun talent, unfortunately. 2 of my 4 favorite specs.
Feral is S+ tier with enhancement shammy heals, stealth, and 2 second kill timers w/ convoke.
WPvP is kinda bust cause today’s damaged generations will spend 10 hours in hallowfall running away to follower dungeons and troll anyone trying to play wpvp.
They disappear into these instant queues to not drop bounties for enemy players, too.
Ranged specs classically get stronger the larger a bg is.
Wow did not know that about frost dk n warriors, thank you. So it’s Feral or Ranged hmm tough choice. From what I heard is feral is more of a in and out fighter. Pick n choose your fights as where say another class can sit there and take on challenges and maybe survive but would be a good fight. Which leads me back to hunter with stealth not sure about MM/stealth So at least I narrowed it down a bit to feral or a hunter spec
DK’s are nice in epic BG’s. When the big fights are rolling, pulling the right people in, is very effective. Warriors are also nice, but the zugyzug can bite ya if end up too far out. Warriors often run out of my heal range (I Q heals or dps, whatever is need on Lorethon here…so I always end up heals, doh!).
DK’s being nice is particularly true in Ashran where melee get the extra road buff. But also the Hangar fight (currently the first engage usually) in IoC, the first engage in Wintergrasp and a number of places AV.
I have died as a healer many times to well timed DK pull. My cooldowns gone, DK pulls, and I just get blown up.
Agreed re: Tyrelice points in WPvP. The follower dung cheese Q has been esp posted about here on the forums. Who knows if Blizz will do anything about it. I’ve avoided WPvP this expansion for he faction imbalances I saw in DF and with all the dumb gimmicks continuing, maybe going forward into the sunset.
I do like epic BGs still, though!
Ranged is nice in epic BGs. but also, it can get boring. My Boomie knows all about that. And when I play MM hunters, holy moly is it easy to top the charts. I bet it gets even easier in 11.1. We’ll see. I don’t hunter much precisely because it is too easy.
Thank you for that advice and overview of your experience, if I only knew how to heal I’d just be a epic bg n bg healer but do t know what’s the easiest class to learn to be decent to heal. And yes from my experience chain of ice and grip is awesome to pull in all clothie’s n healers within our range …
Here’s the fun thing. You can just jump in if ya wanna heal. It’s a blast win or lose. Lots of people, do your best.
I’ve healed with all of the classes.
I like Monk. I can do a lot of heals with monk. I like Holy Priest. They are actually my fav, idk why that is. I like Druid and Paladin.
I have no idea how Pres works at all. I just mash buttons.
I like resto shaman as well. Buuut, elemental shaman is so fun for me in epic BGs I usually just do that rather than resto.
Am I missing any? Never really tried Disc priest. Buut, a well played disc priest can hold off like 10 of us random whacking at them. They are lovely to play against,
Did I miss any?
The cool thing about epic BGs is ya just play 'em and ya win some and ya lose some. Keep in mind solo Q win ratios tend to be less than 50%, so, ya gotta find the good battles with in the big battle.
If ya keep a few toons on Alliance side and a few on the Horde side, you can switch up class/faction/dps/heals whenever and however ya feel like while Q’in various other stuff/questing/gathering…or sitting in trade and chatting, if ya wanna do that.
Ok I will take that advice and be on my way, Having a few toons in alliance n horde sounds good. Thank you so much for your time @Lorethon I’ll even try to heal a bit with my paladin or Druid but mostly play hunter dk
Hunter is fun. No lie. Gonna blow stuff up. DK also fun. And ya, try some heals now and then, it ain’t bad in a big group.
Have fun!
Hunters are great for large scale pvp because it’s less likely you’ll be countered in the chaos.
And rogues are always great for just messing with people, especially in small scale or 1v1 stuff on the side.
1 thing to note even for myself let’s say Dks are awesome same with MM or any class you like… when u get run over by a premade, nothing matters YOU will get you chit pushed in no matter what. So don’t base it out of your loss experiences. so yes i had fun today on both deathgrip chain of ice healers to just spamming rapid fire kinda boring MM but still had fun. i have a level 20 rogue ive never played and idk why I have him not sure if i would get lost in the chaotic of a epic bgs lol
so, what do you all think of Ret paladin for epic bgs can they handle themselfs good are they getting nerfed in 11.1 or is that a good dominating class outof all the melee
Nothing really competes with MM hunter for casual messing around in wpvp / epics IMO. Stealth, humanoid tracking, multiple knockbacks, longest range in the game, and the ability to feign > mount is a lot for other classes to try and compete with.
If you want to do epics, you will probably have a better time playing ranged. DK grips are also really really useful for epics though.
Battle trance isn’t that good outside of 1v1 and the removal of it will really not have any meaningful impact on fury viability. There are so many far better specs for 1v1 that it’s just kind of a mediocre bandaid for niche cases.
As far as epics, the loss of Titan’s Torment is going to be pretty devastating. It’s basically gonna end up being a 30%+ nerf to our burst AoE which was the only thing that makes fury worth playing in epics.
This is why I like them.
As MM I have a rough time if I get hard focused 1v1. Everyone has gap closers, better defensives and self healing.
But you just melt people if you’re able to hang back in a group or open up on someone unaware.