Epic battlegrounds are ruined by players

half of yall have hidden low level profiles at this point

if this is true then why every expac is a diff strat then before ? they should just buff alll npcs

Quick bump on this comment…

Last night I noticed the Ally-to-Horde merc mode NPC was up well into 8 PM/prime time, took a few toons in there to work on the BG week quest (the “win 4 battlegrounds” one) w/ the shorter queue

My goodness, it’s shocking just how bad the quality of pug players seemed to be :flushed:

I mean, I get that it’s BG week and all, but jeez… every game Horde pugs randomly splitting up at the start (…which of course resulted in losing the first teamfight), Alliance pugs “playing like a premade” every game and on-point with objectives/focusing healers/etc, random bickering/finger-pointing in the Horde chat about who’s fault it was that the team split up before the first teamfight, dumb/divisive arguing about “we should go docks” at the start, etc etc

Awful, just an awful experience in those handful of epics

Really does seem like Horde got the shorter end of the stick during this BG week, looks like way more new/inexperienced pug players Horde-side at first glance (while Alliance pugs seem to be “playing like a premade”, dominating, etc)

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I also dislike the fact that people leave at the slightest sign of a loss. There are no alternate strategy, if they do this we do that. Most players rather give-up and fish for the easy win.

Log on an alt, requeue faster for Epic (sometimes get put back in the same Epic that you just left on another toon).

I really wish players would just go on Strat B… C… D. Play defensive, enjoy the battleground. Hélas, many are playing for points only (Honor/Conquest/gearing to move on ASAP, points per hour optimization)


I actually love seething because of its randomness. Keeps things funky fresh.

I understand why a lot of people don’t like it though lol.

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I’ve seen a few players (whose names i recognize) consistently AFK out of any game that ‘seems’ like a loss only to have it be a Win because of those of us who stayed and/or backfilled.

That said I do understand people wanting to maximize win efficiency if they’re trying to maintain multiple toons. But i don’t like the attitude many have where they don’t even want to try after the initial fight - those are the kinds of teams worth AFKing from.

Also, I will never really understand this expectation some have to always have a ‘primary leader’ or they don’t want to play. Like you said, just follow the meta strat, communicate with each other, and go from there. Pugs win doing this without ‘primary leaders’ every day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizzard: “Now that Orc racial has been nerfed and x-faction is a thing, you can buy a transfer!” :money_mouth_face:

(…And you can buy another one next xpac when we nerf Alliance racials!)

Blizzard herding people like sheep and making bank. :sheep: :moneybag:

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Xochi does not care about racials or zerg strats.

Yea it was really bad, been much better this week. Felt like I was playing with bots all last week.

I don’t doubt this one bit. Just like we magically have ridiculously overpowered classes every patch while the last batch is nerfed into the ground. No way are they this incompetent, it’s all by design. Keep the fotm rerollers occupied and subbed. Not to mention those too lazy to level up alts will buy up boosts as well.