Epic battleground is died

nah, they need to remove the toasts or whatever api is letting people track queues.

they need to enable raid queueing for premades in epics while doing it with the caveats of not letting them drop once a game pops, similar to blitz, and overhauling the deserter system.

i personally think my own currency based system for afk penalties is best, but the one thing absolutely everyone agrees on is that deserter really needs to be account wide.

premades are not going away, the best solution is to remove the reasons they have to drop and mess up queues for everyone else.

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tbf, NO ONE wants to play against you and your premade.

but have fun with no effort no competition wins i guess.



Maybe not, but the casual player base is. You depend on them far more than they depend on you.


Doubtful anything will change, I’m convinced that someone from Blizz is in on this and will block any improvement that would alter the matchmaking as it has been proposed multiple times, in any form. They already had great opportinuty with the update for faction mixed queues, that would have had eliminated premades overnight,
but even that was implemented in the way that benefited premade groups…

Sad thing, Swtor, which is basically on life support by Broadsword, has recently reduced the max group size allowed to 4 for warzones, after allowing full premades for 2 years… even they recognized the issue and had resources to act on it.


Dont know what Blizz is thinking and this is why better communication is needed, let Epic BG players know what they think of the problems and plan do about it.

Personally I dont want to see Premade banned but instead create a new dedicated space for them so to separate their activity from Pugs. Doing so would make the issues easier to manage. This would also help promoting a better image for community and premade activity as the role model of teamwork and strategize gameplay.

Yes and made me wonder where all the money Blizz collected from us goes. Shouldnt we (the customer) have a say?


I have nothing against premade only space, I’ve been part of premade vs premade BGs, and actually had great fun even more so than pug vs pug, win or lose.
But I’m not sure how viable it would be, as evidenced with the queue dodging here, some, I’d place it as most, are not looking for a way to develop better strategies or improvise in middle of a match, but easy stomping through brutal force at pug expense and have a few laughs about.

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this aged very well.


I am not sure either :smiley: But I am certain about one thing - Environment shapes people’s behaviour. Pugs Stomping - we see these in Epic BG because it happens easily, regardless Premade like it or not. With War Game being impractical, Premades are forced into the same Pugs space even if they don’t enjoy fighting Pugs. If this can be solved first then the rest of the problems should become easier to manage.

But before discussing solution we must first clarify - What does Blizz feel about the current situation? They had remained silent and did nothing helpful, meaning Blizz is OK with Pugs getting steamrolled all day and night by Premades? Or are they working on a fix?

Instead of arguing with Premades - we should be demanding answers from Blizz: is this Pug Stomping the ‘intended’ gaming experience they are happy with? If not, what can they do to fix it?

Only when Blizz agree the current situation needs fixing and will commit to it, then meaningful discussion for possible options could happen.

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The reasons that you guys drop is because you are afraid of any actual competition and you want to “pug stomp”. All exploit abusers need to be punished, and the exploit needs to be fixed.


I used to premade a lot and I can assure you this, only horde premade communities do this. DjL and AVM to be exact. BSG takes ques even with a 5 man, they do drop but it’s not often. Doesn’t mean it’s okay though, but you get my point? They avoid BSG at all cost for they know the chance of losing is high.

As for me, I just que with 2 or 3 people and we hunt these horde premaders and face roll them. It’s fun and humiliating for them, we destroy them in the middle of their team. They can’t hide, our target will at least go to the gy at least twice.


Why do you hide in AFK’s shadow, Enema? Clearly much smarter. Which is like saying wetter than sea, but come on.

Let me know if you want a decent mage or healer to tag along with your premade killing lol

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I agree to this but other communities ego will have them blindsided; they only pick & choose / dodge what battles they can win… They send it when bsg is outnumbered sadly but it’s the truth lol

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So they mass reported the Kimi post? It’s gone now. Clearly those premade communities have no interest in change. They just enjoy playing against casual players. Fair play isn’t in their dictionary.


It’s unfortunate they took down the Kimi post, but many of us will soldier on against the premades. One thing left unsaid was that, despite AVM’s antics and attempts to gain an advantage, they still lose against pugs—even with a stacked roster. Just a few days ago, I was in a pug that beat them, thanks to some great healers carrying the team.

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well actually they dont cheat or something they might be in voice and organized but in game they have the same gear the same classes specs and spells

If your logic holds, then all offensive players in an NFL game can wear a radio helmet. But no, only one player is allowed to have one.

so communications and playing with freind in an Massively multiplayer online role-playing game is considered as cheating now?
so ban all the arena players that play with voice and communications against the ones that play without

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Both arena teams have the same communication tools, unlike premade vs. pug games, where pug teams only have access to text communication.

I’m tired of this kind of argument. I’ve seen enough of it. Can you guys come up with something new?


Is pickle.