Epic battleground is died

thats not really griefing and the tos is clear and there are nothing about exploits of game mechanics so still premade dont break any rules
and as long there are no updates in the tos there will not be broken rules so yeah blizzard should do something if they dont there are nothing illegal so there are no problems i guess

Hmmm. If everyone happens to Q in 5man groups and the entire bg match is populated with 5mans and they all listen to a lead in the match. Whats the difference than that and a sync premade? Is it better or worse that they didnt countdown and hit the Q button at the same time? Whats stopping more people from rollin deep in 5mans and following the raid lead or using raid lead when given to organize the battle?

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Strongest you say?


This is actually a good suggestion. People quit wayyyy too easy at any sign of resistance, regardless of the match. Only downside is if people legit have like power loss or internet or pc issues and then get slammed like they left on purpose.

Indeed let them have fun!

epic bgs is just the kiddy pool now. 99% pee 1% water…
nerds figured out a way to make entire discord communities around manipulating a que to gain unfair advantages :joy:

TF wrong with blizz?


the deserter debuff should be account-wide.

I know some people just leave if they lose the first team fight. They just log out and log in another toon and queue it again.

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Yes, let’s punish people for avoiding exploiters…

Why is this bad?



Account-wide deserter shouldn’t be on the table unless the queue exploiting is addressed… or if it’s used to help address the queue exploiting issue. But I don’t see account wide deserter ever being implemented.

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Not for unrated, no. Some people value their time and don’t need to be punished if they feel their time is being wasted.

Rated pvp is a different story of course.

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Well said… and what he means by ignorant and disingenuous is “Retarded Dumb $ss”
:slight_smile: Thank Yew !

An account wide deserter would help stop the premades dodging eachother. Currently the leads of most premades enter the bg and check it for known enemies before they enter. They drop if they think they will struggle against the opposing team

An account wide deserter could be made to only apply after a few dropped bgs to help guarantee it only affects the chronic dodgers who would prefer to farm pugs over fighting close battles against premades

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You get deserter for leaving not dodging. Just ban the exploiters and enforce the rules.


As someone pointed out, with 4 enemy heals, this is very clearly not a full BSG group.

But it’s still a BSG group and it happens a lot. I was in a bg yesterday and a well-known healer in the BSG community bailed out on the alliance team when it became a loss. I don’t believe the player even attempted to heal. That player bailed out. To whomever decides to respond to my comment letting me know that RR trashes me in their guild chat, this is why I won’t join any guild like this anymore. I even get tired of the 69 year old female lead of a certain pvp guild from LV coming into my space lecturing me. This goes back to Boralus and the crap you spewed out, all of you…Not even one apology except from Oca. Now he’s decent, he really is, in spite of what everyone says.

Functionally it’s the same. They can’t dodge very easily without scouting the bg. Which means they have to leave which will incur a deserter debuff. No one cares though cause you can jump on an alt. If deserter were account wide the premades wouldn’t be able to literally shop for premade vs pug matches

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ban exploiters, que synchers and dodgers and all the epic bgs will return to a healthier state. blizz must have devs that play in the que synch communities or something. to let this blantant level of cheating and ruining of epic bgs is beyond me. its to bad, i dont play epics myself, but it still ruins pvp as a whole. ban em all!

So would most people?
I mean, you are comparing 1000-plus people to literally one person. This is even worse than the video example.

They don’t care about the deserter debuff. It’s only a short time and they can do other things. They do come in and scout but it’s not my business anymore. There are certain communities that I do not care to play against. There’s really only one I do play with occasionally but I am not invited to the guild chat thankfully. I’ve been told they aren’t very nice to me but that’s good, too. They’ve told me I’ve lied about my age, I’ve lied about my husband…all sorts of dreams they come up. None of them are accurate. I don’t even have any desire to be…I’ll just leave it alone. They don’t leave in a real world and it’s scary because I know one who is a CMS nurse and that’s bad enough.

A lot of us think this

Yes, they do. I knew one who was in training. I am not sure if he is still in that community. I was in a guild a few years ago during Boralus and a woman well known in pvp came in to discipline me…not the LV woman but another one and she had the brass to tell me that she had online pixilated coughs with a community Blizzard leader and he gifted her five years of play time. I do know who that woman is but I don’t know who the Blizz employee is. I just hope I’m not banned from this game for what I am saying now. I did not copy/paste it but she told me that. I think Blizz and the new company needs to get a handle on this abuse here. (I’m going to be banned for this. Should I say for entertainment purposes only? ) I won’t say who the woman is nor the male employee who trained (?) I don’t care anymore. Anyhow, if I’m banned I want to say it was nice to interact with all of you, the very nice ones and the very abusive ones here. I’ve had lots of fun in this game since , oh, 2004-early 2005. It’s been a great journey indeed and a lot of very nice folks.