I was curious if Blizzard had gotten around to making mythic Eonar in Antorus optional, or changed the mechanics in some meaningful way to make it easier, and I happened upon this thread…
I was curious if anyone had done this fight and seen that this was accurate, or a troll post. I can’t post in the thread because it’s on the EU forums and evidently I can’t post there. I tried her just a minute ago and died like 4 times. I couldn’t tell what killed her. If it was adds, or if it was The Paraxis and final doom is still working as it always has. I always panic during that fight and never pay attention to what’s happening, as I’m flying all over the place to kill adds.
Soulsobreezy has a guide somewhere on his channel that works for me, sometimes.
I have the Mythic skip for Antorus, but Eonar is so freaking annoying I haven’t gone back since to finish farming the few pieces she still has for me. You have to time when you board the paraxis right, so there aren’t adds coming to eat Eonar’s face, with enough time for you to deal with the mob and the crystals on the ship.
They just need to make it so we don’t have to board the Paraxis.
Okay so what you’re saying is that’s still a necessity for this fight? Meaning the post I linked was a troll thread. I figured as much. I think I could probably do the fight then. I watched Soul’s video and he made it look easy. I just was relying on the ship not one shotting and I guess it still does.
I have soloed Eonar on every class. DK is the hardest cause you’re so slow. You must be using your movement CD’s in the ship. Also make sure you use the special boost skill in the ship to get from one side to the other quickly.
When I did it yesterday I boarded the ship. Basically I killed everything that came from the entrance then went to the upper tier near eonar and killed what spawned there. After that the life bar was almost completely filled so I waited by Eonar for the felhounds that came up middle. I killed exactly enough (one for me) to get the life meter filled then ran onto the ship.
While I was on the ship Eonar charged her nuke and killed everything. Everything she killed gave her enough juice for another nuke so she killed everything again. That gap of time was enough for me to destroye the crystals and get back in time to off the fel reaver that was bombing her.
I did it based off a youtube video that I can’t bring up at work, but I’m like bottom 10% monk players in terms of skill so if I could do it anyone could.
I can solo Mythic Eonar consistently with many characters (who have good movement), but I still consider it a real oversight when I can down nearly all other bosses in seconds.
Yea, if you know the wave timings and locations, you can do it without much difficulty. But if you panic or run around like a headless chicken, you’ll definitely wipe.
That’s why this fight is so frustrating to me. Every other fight in the entire expansion is completely trivial, except for Eonar. She’s the only one that’s still a challenge, even after all these years. I don’t understand why though. There need not be a challenge for collecting mogs. The mogs themselves, more so getting the drop you want, is the actual challenge. All fights like Eonar do are discourage certain people (me included) to not even bother with the entire raid, because not only is she impossible without following the mechanics, but she completely blocks you from the rest of the bosses and their drops. Even if you need nothing from her, you have to do her fight to keep going.
That’s why that fight gets on my nerves as much as it always has and always will. I know there’s a skip for her, but you have to get past her to even get the skip in the first place.
I just can’t do it. Still. I don’t play this game to push content, I play for mog and mounts and stuff. To be blocked by a mechanic almost 10 years old is absolutely asinine.
It’s a pattern. Pretty much the same every time with little variance. You kill the first two waves, but don’t do it too quickly. You want to drag it out a bit. You want to engage the third wave and kill them just as the portals spawn. Eonar should activate her board wipe at this time, that’s your cue to hit the portal. How you manage the ship is crucial to this fight. You activate one of the four switches, but DO NOT go to the next one by going around the perimeter of the ship. This is extremely important, again DO NOT run in a circle to get to the next switch. Instead, cross through the center of the room so you can use the flight followed by a quick landing to cross to another switch. The time saved by doing it this way is critical. Once the fourth switch is flipped, fly directly to Eonar and wipe out the trash packs there. Kill more trash until she activates her board wipe again, then get back into the same routine. ALWAYS be alert for fel reavers throwing stuff at her, those die first. Then just keep this pattern of wiping trash and enter the portal room the moment she activates her board wipe. Clear the four switches just as described above, go back out, poof, done.
It takes a few tries to get the timing down, but once you have it, it’s easy. The encounter is highly predictable.
Gosh, I’m sorry if you have to do a bit more than push button, collect loot. Perhaps they should just set up a vending machine at the raid instance to save you all the trouble of physically walking to the boss? Or even better, just mail you the loot every week without you doing anything at all?
Son, I’m not sure you quite understand the process of farming mogs and mounts for old raids. There needn’t be an inherent challenge. Blizz has pretty much played their cards on that issue by letting anyone learn any mog from anywhere.
I’ll go out on a limb here and say this one tiny fight is literally the only fight in the entire past history of the game that is any sort of challenge. Can you explain, in your own words, why? Without any sarcasm, if you would.
And you would be entirely wrong. Transmog has been in the game since Cataclysm. People have been farming mounts for even longer than that. And before this legacy raid rule came into effect, it wasn’t just a matter of push button, collect loot. I solo’ed dead side Strath at level 70 to get the Deathcharger, and you know what? It was HARD. Before legacy loot rules, people actually had to work to get through some old content, which included doing mechanics properly.
So take your condescending, lazy ignorance elsewhere and learn to properly do mechanics. Imagine being this angry about having to actually put forth minimal effort to get what you want. Pathetic.