My very first character, in 2006, was a female Night Elf Druid, named Cynnarin. I had other toons later, such as Brelina, a female Human Rogue, and Kelistia, a female Human Paladin, none of which I kept. I left Eonar in 2019, due to personal reasons.
Holy Carnage… now that is a name I haven’t seen in a very, very long time. My first WoW toon ever was an NE hunter named Vanguard. I was with HC until mid-MC, roughly, when I jumped ship to Horde and joined Muteki. I was Penfold, the UD priest with Benediction (server second, iirc) with Muteki and then Dark Carnival after MC.
Was a Gnome Rogue in Vanilla, named Darthmidget on Eonar.
I was a horde orc shaman named… Shamzor and I definitely remember some names from pvp. Pizimp, cloaked/torched and I always talk about a little gnome rogue named Anklbiter I hated, cheers guys! I rolled a boomy on page named Boomk but I haven’t logged in a bit. Will roll a new char once hardcore server open but anyone can add me on bnet shamzor#1459