What is the best entry-level guide for M+? I’m fairly casual but play decently and want to learn how to do M+ dungeons. The guides are all over the place, and there are too many. I would love a guide suited to a beginner hoping to tank or heal M+.
Until they experience any damage that does not get affected by armor, lol.
Its not like warrior and bear where they get flat dr and even some spell specific reduction on short cooldowns or DK which gets near immunity to spell damage.
That being said, they can do some decent M+tanking thanks to their holy aoe spam, but fall off in queen heroic and mythic raiding as tanks, though excel as healers.
Just not exactly a great newbie class for anything other than their single ret spec.
Problem with ret of course being the negative stigma that years of bad rets have placed upon the class.
I dont raid so i cant really comment in that, but in m+ imo theyre extremely durable to magic if you know when its coming as you can have 100% spell block after wog which for me is around 40% DR.
Then theres consecration and whatever other DR you elect to use.
I would start on heroic or mythic 0 and really try and pay attention to each mechanic even if it isn’t killing you.
After the run go back and read the DJ to see if you can make better sense about what it is talking about.
Repeat 2-3 times per dungeon, especially on mythic 0, trying to make a deliberate effort and pay attention to each mechanic.
Wowhead in their dungeon guide also gives the important bullet points for each boss.
Imo trying to learn everything in all 8 dungeons before you zone in is an exercise in frustration. You can maybe read some first, but first hand experience followed by some reading, iterated a few times, can really help your understanding.
Watch Quazzi on YouTube. Probably the most comprehensive guides and tips for mythic + in existence. However, my best advice to you is watch a few, and start running keys. It will be rough and it isn’t pretty, you will brick so many keys it’s insane, no way around that but take each dungeon and what happens with a grain of salt and learn from it. When it comes to mythic + the school of hard knocks is the best way to learn.
i’ll echo quazii as a great creator of guides. tactyks is also excellent.
but be warned, this is a very unforgiving season to get started in either role.
I strongly suggest that you plan on lots of practice in the m0 versions of dungeons before launching into +2s and up.
the learning curve is steep for both tanks (routes, nasty mobs, boss mechanics, etc) and healers (aoe damage spikes, lots of important dispels, interrupts, boss mechanics).
if you really haven’t done either role before, m0 is your practice place before you get introduced to the extra stress (excitement?) of the timer.
Its just how scaling works- nothing actually hurts tanks til +10.
As a warrior i can literally solo entire base mythic dungeons…with all the trash in a single pull because the mitigation amount is 90% and HP/passive healing is so high.
Im dang sure i could solo a +6 because ive solod bosses in +9s and even cleared the last 35% of bosses in 10s solo.
At 11s most things dont even hurt warrior tanks but the HP pools are much bigger and some caster mobs are still overtuned with 4 dmg casts because scaling on mythic dmg is really busted- it multiplies the values separately, one after the other, from the affixes and the key level.
Example- base dmg of say. 1m Key adds 100 percent dmg and hp values, 2m then 200k gets multiplied again by the affix, so whatever affix value is…lets say, another 100 percent increase, becomes 4m. Miss a orb or whatever, and they gain another 10% per missed orb…for 400k per missed orb.
If the affixes were calculated together as they were in DF, damage would be half of what it is right now.
Instead to make the sub 10 keys easier, they made new affixes that separate buffs to trash or bosses…then proceeded to make a basic addition vs multiplication error. Of note is that 10s and up always have all 3 increases active.