Entitlement in this game is mind blowing

You’re using your words wrong then. You said the game was unplayable. If the game is unplayable then you aren’t able to farm a million honor a week like some had to. I’m r13 so I know exactly how the system worked.

If you want to speak about a 1v1 scenario in a team game, what does a hunter to do stop a good shaman from mount riding into frost shock range, kiting out of scatter range, then one shotting you with spell batching BS?

Oh come on now. Even the modern devs can’t be so clueless as to think cloth and bread would be any kind of incentive.

It’s totally understandable why the alliance is upset they made sacrifices to get faster ques then to have it taken away is beyond horrible. Unfortunately horde players seem
to be unable to get that population matters for opportunities. Oh so you don’t think people would ever do anything for an competitive advantage?

Oh I agree. Some people will certainly min/max, but there aren’t enough of them to explain this faction imbalance. I’ve said it for a while, but the problem with alliance is the races themselves. Obviously gnome is the best race in the game, the rest of the races are pretty lame lol.

I’m pretty sure I’m use unplayable almost as real as I can. While not in a true state of unplayability, like day 1 of prepatch, spending 75% of your time in a queue for the days worth of bgs is realistically unplayable. No one wants to look at shattrath for 45 minutes on end, to then more than likely walk into an Alliance premade abusing their instant queues.

This lead to a rise in more open world pvp on the Horde side, which Alliance then complained about, but the problem wouldn’t exist as badly if Horde were allowed to actually play the game and not be forced to wait for the same Alliance premade to roll back around to them 45 minutes later.

That does not equate to bad class design.

I didn’t think I would get my house for what I first offered either, but I would rather start too low than too high. At least then I have room to negotiate.

Here! Here! Great post! Gotta love the double standards.

Apparently Horde are allowed to complain all they want and that is ok. But the minute Alliance players do it, its “entitled” or “whining”.

For over a month, these forums where filled with every Horde and their brother posting complaints and whining threads, day after day. Now the Alliance get called out for doing the exact same thing?

Why shouldn’t the Alliance do it, it seems to get Blizzards attention as seen by all the recent Horde whining. If the system works…

And yeah, the real problem is Alliance. Darn those guys for playing the minority faction in an effort to balance the factions. They should have just rolled Horde.

You didn’t read my reply, did you?

Stop the hyperbole. You can play the game.

You need to stop thinking about it in terms of horde versus alliance. That’s part of a ridiculous fiction. People, just like you, were being faced with unreasonable que times that make bg’s unplayable. Live and let live man. The devs aren’t discriminating against us lol.

I was there when Lich King dropped and Humans got Every Man. While the high end pvpers switched, and the trash followers switched to mimic what they’ll never be happened, it did not kill Horde pvp, and it did not kill Horde pve.

In order to stop min maxers, to quote Preach, you’d need to cut off their hands.

If a Horde player rerolled Alliance for faster queue times, then they are perfectly able, and have already demonstrated the want and will power to drop their main and switch. Just do it again, or, buy the boost like Blizzard wants their whales to do.

Or better yet, don’t switch, and stay on Alliance.

Or even better, just play what you want to play, whether it’s based on min maxing or aesthetic, just play what you want.

“In an effort to balance the factions.”

Or… hear me out. Play what you want to play, and don’t do it for some fake altruistic goal in a 15 year old game.

Sounding like generic propaganda at this point.

“I’m doing my part :)”

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Your pedantry is appreciated, let me rephrase. “When in a 2 hour queue, you cannot participate in the same gameplay as the faction with an instant queue”

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The minute threads like these stop getting created, calling out the Alliance as “entitled” or “whiners”. And yes there are many threads right now that are doing specifically that, will be the day I stop making it an us vs them issue.

Why do you care what those people think? They’re just bringing you down to their level. These forums make up a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the player base. Don’t worry about them.

“I’m being petty because I feel like my faction in a 15 year old video game is under siege from a fictional enemy.”

That’s you lol.

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Don’t you know that this faction animus is supposed to bleed into your regular life? That’s not a human being on the other end, it’s a night elf!11

You are able to play. Alliance can’t even quest without hordies swarming them. You’re complaining about BG’s when horde overpower alliance at every corner. Agreed though, the community sucks, but majority of the community is on horde, so… :man_shrugging:


First, if you’re on a pvp server, expect to see pvp in the open world.

Second, alliance were getting swarmed BECAUSE Horde couldn’t be in battlegrounds. It was more efficient to go open world pvp while in queue because the queue was so painfully long.

Allowing Horde to fight Horde will force almost every Horde pvper into battlegrounds most of the day, which should free up Alliance in the open world.

There’s no reason for them to get anything. They already have fast queues.

But better give baby their bottle