It’s not that you don’t have time, it’s that you won’t because you can’t. Also, if I report you for calling me stupid you could eat a 3 day ban, but you won’t because you’re Horde and the majority never gets punished for their actions.
Nah, you’re right. It’s a slap in the face. They show that what they claim to be an incentive it’s more than easily attainable doing anything else in the game with a fraction of the time investment.
It’s not free. It comes at the price of being able to play with more than 4 friends. Got any other brain busters?
You don’t have the time or you don’t have the ability? Being a hunter with mostly grey parses and a few green thrown in the mix, I’m guessing it’s the latter.
It’s a box with a single mobs worth of loot. What do you mean entitlement? It’s a slap in the face.
Blizzard can keep their stupid box. They can keep their incentives and their insulting gestures and their dumb ideas and leave the building.
Or they could give everyone equal and actual rewards (maybe a daily badge quest) and encourage PVP across the board. The horror! Gasp! Treat everyone the same? No impossible! The alliance need recompense! Instant queues are OURS and nobody elses!
If you get a moldy used blanket from a coworker on your birthday try not to be insulted. It’s free, after all, and it shows exactly how much actual value you have.
Accurate, they are sending you a message.
Imagine a world where Horde, for years now, have had stupidly long queues, and all the Alliance had to say was derogatory remarks, and telling us to reroll Alliance.
Now Alliance get a literal bonus to what they were already doing anyways, and it’s just constant whining.
And now people are trying to equate Horde barely being able to play the game on the pvp side as equal to a literal bonus for just doing what you were already going to do?
I hate TBC, not because of Blizzard, but because of the community. Literal dog water.
Dunno that sounds like a Horde specific reward honestly.
DISCORD - HhjNSfMk AV prema
The definition of entitlement is the horde demanding short ques when they are the majority faction.
Oh look a single digit IQ troll! what a complete surprise. The “Literal dog water.” community you speak of is really made up of one group of players, horde players
So 45 minute+ queue times is acceptable then?
Keep your loot box and give me my premades back
You are not qualified to participate in this conversation much less to give out homework son.
So the reasoning behind the crates is to provide an incentive for alliance to PvP more.
And you can agree/disagree whether they should be providing an incentive or not, but I think it’s fair game to point out that it’s… not a very good incentive.
It’s a small bonus for doing something you were already doing, sure in that respect it is nice. But is it gonna convince people to queue up who wouldn’t otherwise? Is it a perk on par with what the alliance lost (having much faster queues?)
It’s a failure at its stated purpose. Pointing out that it’s free doesn’t change that.
Exactly. And that’s why the OP’s post is absurd. Alliance aren’t complaining about getting “free” stuff and no one’s pissed off because we’re “entitled.” We’re pissed because Blizzard is insulting us.
NO BOX is fine. Just don’t flip off your players.
Lol, nah it’s pretty dog water. It’s just whining constantly that Horde are finally able to actually enjoy pvp for the first time in 2 years.