I am to be in charge of our mages rotation optimizations. I believe I have the keybinding near perfect from 1-9 including shift and alt modifiers.

Basically its bind them all to frost bolt and then you que up the angry german kid video and roll your face on the keys with the kid screaming at max volume. The louder you get it and the faster you roll the more dps you do.

L2mage mouse wheel is superior

Unlock scroll wheel and spin to win bby

75 days till release hype

Who paying the subscription to reserve my name ??

Ill reserve Poopse for you

if you were smart, one might snipe a name or two and extort poor doopsy

Is this the guild for zoomers? You still got spots?

join the discord, reach out to an officer, open recruitment. Cant stop… wont’ stop.

over 40 ppl already signed up for weekday raid oof :^(

the real question is who is sniping badtank on literally every server??? Me that is who… lol

Doesn’t count until they’re 60. Any sperg can ask to put his name down on a sheet, this isn’t our first time but it sure might be our last. No point in not learning from past mistakes, 300 recruits = 60 raiders.

Yeah, 60% of those people will drop or won’t make it to 60.

We should start making bets on the people who think will make it.

Balamond will burn himself out before launch.


Elite casual’s getting a taste of pserver meta on AV and salting the hell out is top tier for laughs for me.

bala and I are like stone, gonna level like champs

I bet Jeezy wont make 60

Im p sure ill be leveling with him too

Jeezy last officer to 60, who want’s to take bets?

bump, updated post with weekend raid times.