Am I too late for classic?
Can classic come out so we can get started on whining about phase 2 not being out yet?
Dude posts a guild recruitment ad on the Blizzard forums, chocks it full of references to private servers, and wonders why Blizzard pulls it… calls it ‘censorship’… Your guild name is perfect.
Thanks fam, we appreciate that. He actually got banned for the swearing and language use tho
Also pretty sure we can talk about private servers here, not 100% on that tho
Pretty sure we wouldn’t even have classic without them.
That as well
welcome to the merry go round. I am getting dizzy myself, might
Does anyone want to join my Yu-gi-oh fan club? We focus solely on Erotic Tristan fan fic
sorry I play pogs
I wish I had saw what he said, I feel left out.
e3 is kinda… boring
It’s been as good as it can be considering next year is new consoles.
E3 is boring, for some reason i want to play Pokemon though
Banjo tho fam
Don’t worry bro I can help you with your ret problem. Make ret dps great again.
Wtb classic beta acc 1000 dollars
Clickity Clak clak
That’s my nickname for him, it’s copyrighted.
lol clak u leveling for me on launch right?