Am I too late for classic?

Can classic come out so we can get started on whining about phase 2 not being out yet?

Dude posts a guild recruitment ad on the Blizzard forums, chocks it full of references to private servers, and wonders why Blizzard pulls it… calls it ‘censorship’… Your guild name is perfect. :smiley:

Thanks fam, we appreciate that. He actually got banned for the swearing and language use tho

Also pretty sure we can talk about private servers here, not 100% on that tho

Pretty sure we wouldn’t even have classic without them.

That as well

welcome to the merry go round. I am getting dizzy myself, might :nauseated_face:

Does anyone want to join my Yu-gi-oh fan club? We focus solely on Erotic Tristan fan fic

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sorry I play pogs

I wish I had saw what he said, I feel left out.

e3 is kinda… boring

It’s been as good as it can be considering next year is new consoles.

E3 is boring, for some reason i want to play Pokemon though

Banjo tho fam

Don’t worry bro I can help you with your ret problem. Make ret dps great again.

Wtb classic beta acc 1000 dollars

Clickity Clak clak

That’s my nickname for him, it’s copyrighted.

lol clak u leveling for me on launch right?