Entitled dual-wielding/2H "tanks"

I didn’t read the wall of text. Because plain and simple you’re wrong no matter how many fancy words you try to throw out.

Dual wield tanks are being used in raids and dungeons. 2h tanking is recommended at low levels because warriors are rage starved early in the game.

Deal with it and move on.

Meanwhile, one of our tanks was dual-wield tanking in MC. /shrug

There HAS to be one somewhere… Or Blizz needs to make it happen so I can run around as one of the best waifus ever.

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Thats funny… because it is actually much easier to hold aggro as a dps tank. You can stack sunders with a 2hander AND use sweeping strikes etc…

Both work my dude. I’m personally sword and board, deep prot tree specced but when I get super geared I want to try out fury prot for sure.

I feel like this post is getting overwhelmed by people who have never actually tanked anything before and think they know what they are talking about. The fact that someone actually stated that aggro is worse with multiple mobs when using a 2hander is laughable.

Dont tell every warrior this coz this is BAD.

That’s wrong. You never sunder on 2H tanking. When you use 2H, you are using your HIGH DPS to generate hate… to get the aggro. You never sunder especially on group of mobs. I understand that sunder produces a lot of threat but putting sunders to multitargets on 2H weapon is BAD becoz you are using a VERY SLOW WEAPON. It takes forever to sunder a group of mobs with a very slow weapon. If you will sunder, it has to be on a very fast speed weapon like the 1H weapon. The faster the speed the better. That’s why tanks use a very fast speed 1H Weapon. Please dont sunder when on 2H.

I was a Vanilla Warrior who tanks on 2H becoz especially when I overgear the dungeon. I was an OFFTANK in Naxx40… as we killed 6 bosses.

This is how I do it against group of mobs: (With max points in tactical mastery)

  • I start with Zerk stance…
  • Zerker Rage
  • Intercept
  • Whirlwind
  • if I overgeared the mobs, I continue with my AoE DPS rotation
  • if I get overwhelmed, I switch to Defensive stance (still has Rage becoz of Tactical Mastery)
  • switch to shield + 1H
  • apply sunder to each mob

When on 2H, you use your AoE DPS rotation… no freaking sunders.

When you switch stance from Zerk to Defensive and vice versa later on, that is what we called STANCE DANCING. A 2H Tank who doesnt know STANCE DANCING and who doesnt know when to switch to Shield and 1H SHOULD NOT TANK.

*Edit. Dual Wielding Tanks are also bad. Dual Wield has high DPS on single targets… and ALSO REQUIRES TONS of +HIT OR YOUR OFFHAND WILL MISS, MISS and MISS (It’s a high end ability… if you are AQ40+ geared and up, you can do FURY but before that, please stop being bad). It has low DPS on multitargets. If you try to tank multitargets with dual wield, it has low AoE DPS, come on, you wont hold aggro.

You do realize that sunder is instant cast regardless of weapon speed right?

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And not like reducing enemies armor is good for the group dps too or anything…

When on 2H, you DPS to get hate… not to sunder. Your HIGH DPS is your threat generator. You wont need sunder if you have high DPS/high threat.

If you are on 1H + Shield, you cant achieve high DPS to generate threat. You use sunder to achieve the high threat.

i have plenty of rage this way. Sweeping strikes, whirlwind, and cleaves leave me enough rage that I can tab sunder or sunder the enemy that is being focused while doing my dps rotation. Works great for me. /shrug

Berserker Stance

Requires level 30

An aggressive stance. Critical hit chance is increased by 3% and all damage taken is increased by 10%.

You cant do whirlwind if not on Zerk stance. Since you are already on Zerk stance, all abilities coming from you should be a high DPS ability to get the gain of Zerk stance. You want to apply a zero DPS ability, sunder on a Zerk stance? Please do us a favor, go to defensive stance (switch to SHIELD) and do sunder.

Ok padaran hunter. Like I can’t burn down rage in zerker stance and then switch to battle or defensive stance to sunder? There is more than one way to do things. You lost any credibility with me when you said " it takes too long to stack sunders with a slow weapon"

We can talk about Rage generation, Warrior rotations, and ability use all we want and its still not germane to the discussion.

What is germane is quite simple:

As a Warrior, by stance, 2h or shield, talents, and tanking gear… YOU choose how much damage you take. No one else does it for you, that includes the healer.

As a Warrior YOU have the choice to blend stance, 2h or shield, talents, and gear to find equilibrium.

Blaming others for a choice that you make, without understanding the consequences of that choice is foolish.

If you take X damage every pull, and a healer utilizes 80% of their mana pool healing you in the most efficient way possible…then they are going to have to drink every pull. Thats not their fault.

With all that being said, as a Holy Paladin, I had no issues with 2H tanking if the Warrior was smart about it. I ran Devo to offset some of the AC loss from a shield and I was the best single target healer in game with Blessing of Light on target.

However not all healers are built for that play style and there are thresholds where it can be unproductive if done exclusively.

The biggest mistake is not talking to your healer…and as a healer not opening a dialogue with your tank.

Find a compromise.

Find what works for both of you.

It can be successful if you work together.

SLOW WEAPON IS NOT A TANKING WEAPON. 2.8 Speed Slow Weapon doing Sunder vs 1.2 Speed doing Sunder.

This is the Vanilla Warrior… Do you see the Heroism Set? That’s 2H Tanking there. A prot specs Warrior wont get this set.

Sunder is not affected at all by weapon speed… the only thing effected is the white attacks between those skills

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Sunder is not like heroic strike or cleave, which buff your next attack. It is like rend and hamstring. You press button and it does it instantly

Lot of these non-shield wearing tank haters are probably just jealous. If you’re proud of being a shield wearing tank you wouldn’t be making such a fuss.

Pretty much everything you said was wrong.

It’s actually impressive how wrong it is.