
Howdy yall,

I’m haven’t played since Cataclysm, so all of this is just whole-cloth new to me. I recently saw that Feral can get different forms based off of quests / Artifacts and was really interested in getting the “Bird” Cat Form. I have spent hours researching it and still seem to come up more confused than anything else. I’m supposed to have Enter : Dreamway, but I don’t. I try and look up where tostart the quest chain, but that person doesn’t have a quest above them. I need an Artifact, but am just told to “Enter the Dreamway with the Artifact! Silly!”

If anyone could offer any advice on where someone with no Legion experience should start to try and get this form it would be greatly appreciated.


Idk why it set me as my least played character in Classic…But I swear I’m a druid!

Try going to Moonglade and seeing if Hamuul Runetotem has a quest for you there.

During Legion the questline autostarted to get to the Dreamgrove, apparently there is a “A Summons From Moonglade” quest that starts the questline for a level 10 character in Chromie time but seeing as how max level characters cannot get to Chromie time this might prove difficult. If Runetotem doesn’t have a quest for you in Moonglade, search around the Dreamgrove, someone might have a quest there, most likely around the entrance of the Grove or the center.

Im not 100% sure if I know the part you’re talking about but look in your bags to see if you ha e an item that will port you. I think that might be your problem

Do you know what kind of quest I should be looking for?

“Enter the Dreamway” / “The way To The Dreamway” / “Do u kno d whey?”

Oh, also, no Hamuul to be found.

Welcome back to wow.

The artifacts you need come from Legion.
To start this go to Dalaran in Broken Isles. You can do this several ways but the easiest is to just talk to chromie, by the ambassador place in orgrimmar, and start the legion timeline.

A main focus of this expac was the artifact weapons which for feral druid are the Fangs of Ashmane. When you get through the opening part (Broken shore event) you’ll be prompted by quests to go to your class hall (dreamgrove in northern ValSharah) and the quest line will eventually ask you to choose an artifact to unlock. Obviously in this case pick the feral one and after a brief scenario youll unlock it.

There are full guides for what to do after this for the different forms on wowhead.

The ones your talking about are the “Hidden” feral forms. which require a random proc event in the dreamway, then playing hide and go seek with stones in the portal area, Then emoting with a cat.

After that you have to unlock the 3 alternate colors from pvp, world quests etc.

If you need help further with this, just post here.