Enslaving demons, is it wrong?

And one has a whip as a contract negotiator. :wink:


You had me at whip, oooh daddy.


Reason #45934811593483923360862341 why one should stay far away from wow community.


How do you know the demon doesn’t enjoy it? Maybe it’s a fetish for them, huh?


Tbf, the demon does spank itself.


Let us water it down further so that nobody is offended. The demons are not slaves, they are not prisoners, they are our willing friends. They protect us, they fight with us. Sometimes they like to go off on their own and leave us by ourselves.

Woah woah woah. Hold your horses there. All of my demons signed a contract and are consenting to help me

I had to hold the pen for my Felhunter tho. But he just moved my hand with his mouth to sign. Still.

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My lock’s succubus keeps saying she’s his friend. But then she keeps asking for payment.



My Forsaken Warlock is happily married to a Succubus. Even gives her 1000 virgin souls on their anniversary. Also has a pet Felhound called Scruffy who he plays “fetch the Gnome!” with.


Enslaving :nauseated_face:

Subjugating :point_left: :sunglasses: :point_left:


How about dominating?

Wells. Ignorin’ ya…political slant.

In WoW, Demons end up being very social with those who control them, granted they can handle it. There’s even been tales of romances 'tween them Sayaad sort! Granted there’s a big risk there too.

Granted, Legion don’t often give their victims the same courtasy.

Well one demon’s managed to turn that around.

The real moral outrage should be directed at Priests and their Mind Control spell.
That’s the true horror. /s


mind control for enemies, life grip for friends. We are the true “everyone is equal” people.

11/10 post

Let me mount the furry races. They should be forced to be pets/mounts.

Following this logic that would mean pets would also have to be freed as well. Which would be a horrendous thing to do ecologically speaking and for the pets themselves.

Wondermutt is a loyal friend and companion, there is nothing for him to be “freed” from.

These forums really have some insufferable personalities on them.

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Fun Fact: In Harry Potter it is not the Mind Alter Spell(Legilimency) that is considered one of the 3 Unforgivable Curses but the Persuasion Curse(Imperius) which has more guarantee of being permanent in it’s effects.

In otherwords using Domination and Mind Control on someone is considered more forgivable than using Persuasion/Imperius on someone due to both simply being more blunt in their effects.