Item: “Ensemble: Glorious Dragonrider’s Mail”
Bug: The ensemble looks to be missing its chestpiece as was shown in the Trading Post preview.
Mom can I get Ensemble: Glorious Dragonrider?
Mom: No, we have one at home
At home:
@Blizzard - updated
Glorious Dragonrider Ensemble is missing the shirt ID.
Both people who own and don’t own the original shirt (non-recolored) can not see the new shirt for the ensemble currently in the post.
They’re two entirely different appearances. One has nothing to do with the other.
I agree it shouldn’t be, but the shirt on that ‘official’ preview is the same shirt as the ones from bfa. So someone screwed up coding by not including it, because the females are wearing default bra… without tats on preview, and the preview shows the exact model of the old one.
There’s literally no shirt attached to the item. So i’m wondering if they reused the item and it isn’t displaying iF you already own the dragon rider harness.
It’s an obvious missed item, but i’m just wondering what would cause it… unless they were seriously in that big of a hurry…
But asking a question isn’t harmful, as it would help bliz fix it… if it WAS the case.
I know that but your missing the point i’m trying to make. The point I was trying to make is if blizzard is reusing OTHER set items in recreation it could easily be why something is missing. So having this information available to them would be beneficial in future creations.
Nothing goes off without a hitch at blizzard, and overlooking a recolored set could easily have an item forgotten. Considering this set IS a recolored previous model and nothing actually new… They would be linked by default at it’s core. So while you claim one has nothing to do with the other, sure it does.
1 was the base of the actual set that got recolored.
It’s not the same. It’s a different item ID and coloration.
You claimed the following:
Which is incorrect information.
Right, as i said it should be. No idea why your arguing with me, like I said chances are they uploaded the oldset to do the recoloring and FORGOT to put an ID on the new shirt. Because IF you ever seen a missing item in wow, it’s often a WHITE BOX. Considering that white box isn’t overshadowing the outfit, an item wasn’t assigned to the set. Simply put.
This happened a couple of years ago when they accidently deleted the black magical cat from the holloween event, the pet spawned as a white box. They then fixed it by reimporting that item and it was done.
I’ve seen missing items countless times in world, to know that it’s not that its missing, it’s that something wasn’t assigned to the new ID to begin with.
This is also incorrect. There have been instances in the past of other missing textures where it just didn’t show up on the character at all without a graphical bug.
We don’t know the exact issue. But you’re spreading misinformation about them being lazy and using other items and claiming there should be discounts, when this isn’t an old item.
I’ll let Blizz figure it out as you should do the same, instead of telling people that since they have the other shirt, they won’t get this one. Have a good day.
First off i never made the claim they wouldn’t get the new shirt. Secondly your putting words in my mouth, and 3rd all I did was ask a question, out of curiosity. Nothing more. I didn’t need to be attacked because I asked a question to rule out a variable for blizzard to rush a fix.
Example if someone ELSE doesn’t have the shirt and sees the full set then it could fix the problem with ease. It’s why I asked, I didn’t need the ‘OOOOH MISINFORMATION’ bs, this isn’t a government form there’s no conspiracy going on. It was a question that didn’t need to be drilled into the ground when a simple ‘yes or no’ would of sufficed.
Your own words:
You did much more than ask a question. Now I’m finished with this. Let Blizz figure it out without assumptions.
Yes I said if it was their intention to reuse an EXACT item(Without recolor) from another set, they should get a discount. There’s nothing wrong with that. So again what’s the big deal?
I feel like your just trying to pick a fight instead of actually reporting as much detail as possible to blizzard for a fix as quickly as possible. Just going ‘oh an item is missing’ often isn’t enough data to have it solved in a few minutes.
Blizzard likes reports with DETAILS. More details the better, that was why I asked my question to begin with. But instead you rather run the post into an attack of ‘misinformation’ instead enhancing details that blizzard can look over. All over a simple question.
I’ve seen blizzard work at amazing lightning speed when they have ALL the information they need, i’ve seen them hotfix items as soon as it’s reported because variables got ruled out. Considering I wanted this fixed as quickly as possible, me asking the question of wether or not they had the shirt. Literally offsets the fact that I do, which might be why it’s not showing to begin with. Blizzard would take this information, once confirmed and probably reassign a dupelicate ID to the missing item.
So having someone else go to the vendor and go, ‘oh no it’s showing the full set for me’ because they didn’t have the shirt would tell blizzard exactly what’s wrong with the display. And a fix could easily be done within minutes. It’s all about the variables, the game doesn’t like dupe ID’s which has caused a crash recently.
The original is a green tattoo. The ‘new’ recolor appears black. Besides using the original green one doesn’t really go with the armor recolor…
Yeah, i know it’s a recolor. But since recolors start from other items. Ruling that out is a sensible thing to do. All I was trying to do b4 this turned into an attack post XD. Just like that I went back, and posted those details to blizzard on the original post.
Believe it or not this helps them fix things faster.
Blizz, please fix this bug. I want to buy the transmog set, but I am not going to want a half-complete set for that many tendies!
I bought it Would be nice if it got fixed.
Purchased it for my shammie, now I have the green and this one.
Can confirm this is still not fixed. I’m about to put in for a refund for the false advertisement. It’s a LOT of tenders to waste on an incomplete set.
Still not working, paid 875 tender for an incomplete Xmog, won’t be buying anything again. Buyer beware, what you see is NOT what you get.
Radio silence the theme for this set?